Ult Based DPS, oof

The main two in my eyes is Genji and Sombra.

Genji’s blade? We’ve all seen Necros script clips, add a bit of Ana and that ult is lethal. However, without it? I only see dash reset kills, which are very rare and inconsistent. Only the best Genji’s can pull off the one shot combos on a regular basis, and even then, any stun hero can counter him fairly hard.

Sombra? Well, she’s the lowest winrate hero in the game, with mediocre and clunky mobility, a hack ability that usually secures a 1v1, but is barely useful against targets in Deathball and Bunker. However, she has one of the best AOE ults in the game.

Any thoughts on fixing these two to be less ult-focused?

idk about genji, but theres a lot you can do with EMP.

you could change EMP from simply hacking all enemies, to instead stunning them for 0,1s and every enemy hit gets a “pre-hacked” status, that allows sombra to hack them faster with her normal hack. so that way she can interrupt shields and ults like normal, but doesnt debilitate the whole enemy team for 6 whole seconds. i hope my explanation makes sense.

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Yes it does, lol.

Alternatively some sort of chain-hack. She hacks a target when she ults, and another target close by gets hit with a half duration hack or something like that.

Quite a malleable kit she has there.

Genji is weird. He is almost solely played because of his ultimate which is quite strong but very counterable. Slap on the nano and it’s a literal nightmare to deal with. 400 hp and 180 damage swings + 75 damage swift strikes.

Genji is just straight up bad, his ult itself is pretty meh, it’s the Nano boost which makes it so good.

The entire game is heavily ult-focused. What are you really asking for?

you could increase everything in genjis kit to do more damage but that would mean he would be blading 24/7 in a way

he would just dash and instantly kill then continue because of the resets

I want sombra to when she emps if you are behind a barrier the barrier gets destroyed but you will not get hacked

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What’s wrong with being ult focused? Why is this a problem? It makes no sense.

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Kind of destroys the gameplay for a lot of people.
Ever seen a GOATS match? Lead with Brig ult, if grav is used, use beat, if shatter is used, use trans. If the grav is successful, pin the rein and set off a D.Va bomb for a team wipe.

Feels boring.

At least bunker brings out some DPS play. Heroes like Widow and Hanzo don’t necessarily need the ult to be so good, nor does Doomfist, McCree etc. There are heroes that are extremely fun, but their ults are bad (especially Doomfist).
It is also why Sombra is so bad to a lot of people; her kit is so trash but her ult is one of the best and most reliable CC ults in the game in my eyes.

Most games it’s just nothing for about a minute, one button press, and a win. How fun.

It’s not.

Genji would be poop without a strong Dragonblade and turning Sombra into a stealth assassin is just a recipe for disaster.

Nah. That’s awful. Nobody would ever pick her.

it would open her up for a lot of buffs outside of her EMP which is what she needs in a lot of peoples eyes

I always thought Genji should use his sword way more often.

As a straight up buff, let him use the “switch weapon key” (that currently does nothing) on genji let him switch to his sword and his sword does 50 damage. Same as swiftstrike, and if he presses the switch weapon key while swift striking or deflecting it effectively cancels the time to switch weapons since, well those are abilities where he draws his sword out.

What does this do for him?

Not much, his triple shurikens would do more damage and deal the damage quicker and potentially headshot, but it’s a melee attack. It’ll have the reach of genji’s ult but only 50DPS and the same low attack rate.

But anyone who plays genji can actually play a ninja who uses their sword more than a few seconds at a time maybe once or twice per match. And they can get used to fighting with his melee weapon so when he does use his ult they aren’t having to learn fast.

Maybe as a slight balancing buff have a tiny delay on activation of deflect if Genji has his shurikens equipped compared to his sword equipped.

You realise buffing her damage will never be an option though right?

Sombra EMP should stop a Nano blade, atleast remove the nano buff.

just sayin’

even if so, theres a lot of things to buff about her.
cloaking time (not decloaking), spread, magazine size, movement speed,
cooldowns, etc etc etc