Ukraine Player Icon, Palestine?

Like others already mentioned. Please research more before posting stuff like that online and please avoid politics on game based forums.

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Bro, Iā€™m not involving politics. Iā€™m stating the objective. Palestinians have been harmed a lot and weā€™re not even allowed to acknowledge that? Donā€™t tell me its OK for people to stand up for Ukraine and stay quiet about Palestine.


First of all, talking about wars and stuff like that is politics, doesnā€™t matter wrong,right or lose, win. The fact you ask for the subject because of siding in a war is by itself politics.
I donā€™t think people need to talk about Ukraine here in the forums either.
If you want to talk about subjects like that there are plenty of social medias that revolve around it, like twitter, Facebook or even instagram. But a video game forum is not the place for this subject.

Secondly, thereā€™s a difference between bringing your opinion to asking the devs to pick a side. Itā€™s not as easy as bringing a flag to every country because technically speaking Palestine is not considered as an official country and by adding a flag like that they bring an opinion about a complicated subject they of course would want to avoid.

Yeah, I donā€™t feel like arguing with you bro, sry. I support Palestine because Iā€™m a human. I donā€™t care about what people think, I support the morally and objectively right side.

Thatā€™s fine. If thatā€™s your truth go with it.
Iā€™m not here for a political debate.

Just wanted to put the focus on politics in a video games forumsā€¦

I know thereā€™s no new content to discuss but moving away to something so far from the game seems a bitā€¦ well, far :sweat_smile:

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Its also unusual to be educated on the situation but u dont see uneducated people going to educate themselves before talking.

The way you and I see it are very different, because I live it and you dont.


I never really understood this honestly
What, are you gonna get sued for using a flag in a videogame?

that concept honestly seems so strange to me

Ukrainian flag is available for anyone right from the box.

Other flags are not. Thats unfair. Thats purely racist. Many nations suffered in past two decades. Only Ukrainians get credit, as a white race

but how is a conversation about Russia and Ukraine in anyway related to Overwatch or Blizzard?

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As far this topic is concerned, talking about what player icons you would like to see is what I am referring to.

donā€™t tell me what to do, my family was blown up by russia. we all have out fights to fight, I canā€™t care about injustice everywhere - all we can do is win our own fights to eventually have justice everywhere.

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Morality has absolutely nothing to do with political education. Morality is an objective truth independent of that, i.e you kill children, youā€™re bad. Thereā€™s no argument against this if you believe in moral facts.

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they canā€™t legally add Palestine flag without permission from the country lol. maybe look into stuff first

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They canā€™t really add a flag without the countryā€™s permission

Then why are you here.

Thanks for resolving 4000 years of philosophical debate. Who would have ever thought that the Overwatch forums were where we could drill down to objective moral truth.

Go ahead, fall back on your ā€˜I donā€™t need no education, cause I know youā€™re all baby killersā€™ argument. Let me help you out with a term you missed skipping class: appeal to emotion. Itā€™s logical fallacy. You should probably learn about those before proclaiming your objective moral truth, then pick up some history, then realize maybe real life is even more difficult than trying to balance a stupid video game. Your take would be bad for a stupid video game, itā€™s even worse for real life.

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You arent being moral when you dont even know what youā€™re trying to be moral about

The germans thought theyā€™re being moral too back then.

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As I said, I donā€™t have extensive research on the topic, but I know enough of whatā€™s going on to decipher the rights from the wrong.

What is ā€œreal lifeā€, exempting people from killing children? Excuse me? You can teach me Philosophy in the forums all you want, but in no world is that right

Focus on what I am really trying to say here.

No amount of ā€œeducationā€, makes it right my friend. Itā€™s not an argument, its a fact. Go watch the news, thereā€™s probably some more Palestinians dead (murdered) by now.

People tend to have trouble understanding the basics, as you can see by the comment above this one.

Thanks for taking this out or context :), couldnā€™t expect less. What I meant in that context is that I donā€™t care if people think Iā€™m anti-semitic for supporting the right side. People usually refer to name calling and baseless accusations when they have no valid option.

I know it is, since in real life, people donā€™t abide by whats right and whatā€™s wrong. They have their own selfish things to worry about. Very educated, talented, PhD holders etc havenā€™t brought peace into the world, how could I do it? Iā€™m just a normal guy.

Perhaps you know enough, but perhaps that much you know and others know as well seem to create varying opinions. The difference is that you determine that something is right or wrong and dont want to listen to anyone, leaving you uneducated and not helpful to the matter.

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