Two eu friends looking for people to play with!

heya! me and my friend started this game pretty recently and are looking for teammates for quick play as we’re learning :D.

he is pretty experienced in shooters, has solid aim, and i’m a potato trying my best, so. i’d say it’d be more about attitude than skill level for us. we just really want more people with us who try to win, try to take the objective, aren’t all over the place: because all that makes the game less fun.

we’re both flexible in our roles, though he prefers dps, sombra/hanzo. i don’t prefer anything. extra flexible. for it’s only flexible knees that can tbag extra well after i’ve just gotten carried.

iiii should probably just throw it out there though that my buddy pal can make offensive jokes, is every steam mod’s sleep paralysis demon, yada yada yada :skull:. so if you mind those things, it probably wouldn’t work.

if you do wanna give it a go with us, feel free to add me on discord, deer girl#7075 :D.