Two EU friends looking for more close friends!

Hello there! (“General Kenobi…”) :raising_hand_woman:t2:

As the title says we are two friends who’ve been looking for more people to play the game with! We hang around in Discord mostly, so we’ve been looking to create a server with more people like us :smiley: We’d play exclusively on the EU servers, so sorry Americans :frowning: (Unless you’re cool with ~120 ms ping :smirk:)

We’re very chill people (though the game can sometimes be a bit much for me :c ) who mostly play QP. We’re not against comp, however! Right now we have a tank/dps/support flex, and dps/support flex, both of us wavering around high plat-low diamond. Basically, he’s the aggressive (not too much) Rein who charges in, I’m the screeching Ana moving to keep him up while I see the critical icon 24/7 :smiley: (If you want an example of what I mean: "I'm literally healing you bro" // Watchpoint - YouTube :wink:)

We’re looking for more than just a PUG, what we’re ideally after is making new (close) friends who enjoy the same game as us, and who are pretty chill! Pretty much, as long as you’re not a jerk to people different than you, you’ll probably be welcome

If you’re somebody who enjoys (creating) drama, you’re probably not a right fit for us :face_with_monocle:

I am personally a member of the LGBT+ community, so we want this to be a safe space for others like me. If you have a problem with any of that, again, you’re not a right fit for us. If you’re a woman seeing this, being anxious you’d be the only one in the group, don’t worry! You’ll have at least me, and that would make two! :sunglasses: :hugs:

If you’re interested, feel free to leave your Discord name in the comments below! We can then group up once (or a few times) to get to know you a bit better and see if we match well together (personally, not just gameplay wise) !

If we like you (and if you like us, of course!) we’d love to add you to our Discord and grow the group!

We’re aware this sounds like a lot, but I want to stress again that this is MORE than just friends you barely know, we’re really looking for a (platonic) connection where we get to know each other and are able to share things with each other without fear of judgement or criticism :two_hearts:

If you’d rather not share your Discord publicly, you can message me on Discord instead: SanneARBY#2996 , no need to send a friend request first (unless you’d like to!)

We can’t wait to hear from you! :smiley:

Extremely interested, I’m a healer main who’s never really tried comp but am trying to find some chill people to run some matches with! my discord is tebulous725#1575 :))

Hey, I’m interested too :slight_smile:
My discord is Ladynessence#5103

I can’t send you a friend request or send you a message on Discord due to your privacy settings! My Discord is SanneARBY#2996 :smiley:

Hey hows it going! Me and my friend are looking for more people to join our server. Anyone is welcome to add me Amo#2097

Discord gives me an error when I try to add you :0 add me instead: SanneARBY#2996

My bad, I gave my battletag instead of my discord xD

Hey so it’s way later, but I still can’t add you because of your privacy setings!!! Add me instead if you’re still interested: SanneARBY#2996