Twitch drops on Console & PC?

I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if the Twitch drops in particular are console locked. I understand the skin is for each console and pc and region. Thats why I bought Pink Mercy twice on PC and PS4 (My mother passsed away a year and a half ago from breast cancer so getting the skins are just a bonus for donating, and I’m considering the shirt still as well)

My PS4 is also linked to my blizzard account and I was wondering if I have to watch twitch on my ps4 separately to unlock the drops for ps4 or if they’ll only count towards once device. The curiosity is since its heading to the blizz account that stuff seems shared sometimes.

Thanks for anyones help, enjoy the charity event and give your moms hugs if you can.

No word yet on the Mercy stuff, but when I watch OWL on my PC, I get League tokens on both my PC AND my Xbox One accounts (which are linked).

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Oni Genji and Officer all over again…


But I mean you need to get your Blizzard Account linked to Twitch so if your PS4 is linked to the Blizzard Account I guess there is no issue?

I mean that is what links are for lol

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Ah. Cool to know. Thank you both!

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Yeah, I believe that’s how it would work.

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Glad to help.



Thanks. I was more apprehensive since I did the HoTS event but I’ve never really watched twitch much so I’m really new to the whole twitch drops dealio. But thanks, that really helps to understand how it works.