Tune into the Overwatch 2 Reveal Event on June 16

they need to stop playing games. they already have a 40min vid recorded edited and uploaded on youtube all ready to go.
what difference does it make if they release it now or in a few days.
your game is such a bad state i’m unironically waiting 5 mins for a 4 min game in quickplay as support on a saturday afternoon.
its just silly and cringe. you need to be dropping content as soon as rolls of the production line not trying to be cute with ‘‘save the date’’ nonsense we’ve, been waiting 3 years.

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I don’t want to seem mean when I say this but you guys have to show off a bit more than you did last time or the normies are going to be upset. I don’t count myself among the normies, because I’m still here, I still play the game sometimes, I am on the forums, I stay generally plugged into what’s going on with Overwatch, I try to extend you guys some more understanding than they might. But I don’t know how many times you can leave the general public asking “that’s it?”.

I hope things work out for you and that a lot of people will be eager to try the new things you have cooked up, but I’d like to suggest at least two heroes (a tank and a support) if you have those up your sleeves. Tease as many more as you can, why not? I expect you don’t care about me or what I have to say, because who am I? But many people with platforms have been viscous with you and you need to counter the narrative that they are building. If not now then as soon as you can, at any rate.


The beta isn’t even available on consoles so I highly doubt they’re gonna announce macOS version in near future.
Maybe it’ll happen before actual release in 35 years.

They kept saying OW1 is gonna update into OW2’s engine for free (although, wouldn’t be surprised if turns out you need like $5 to do so after all).

And that is the thing they should realize. It’s a meme that the game “dead”, but if they keep doing the “try this is out soon”, I don’t know how they expect OW to last another year. They made it clear they separated PvE just to get OW2 out sooner, with few things pointing towards September (like Remix events ending with Summer Games). Call it “copium”, if you want, but they really need to have a release date and OW2 be in the shop (cause not like it’s gonna be just the free update for OW1). Bottom line, the whole “we have so many exciting things we can’t wait to share with you” doesn’t really cut it anymore.


It will probably be 3-4 at launch

Laughable and pathetic if true lol.

More like Crossbow Icicle.

There’s a whole 0.4sec delay before firing your first icicle. And then another 0.8sec delay before the next one.

Which kinda made sense as a handicapping feature when she had Freeze, but she doesn’t have that anymore.

I fully agree on the Sojourn stream, but here they literally said “We’ve been eagerly awaiting the moment we can show you all the things we have been creating…”

So it MUST be content focused…

This community has been on the brink of exhaustion for too long, they rally can’t afford another flop.

I’m not usually hopeful considering the situation but this has to be big, they wouldn’t be so hyped and confident otherwise.

Let’s hope for the best :cat:

Ahahha nice comment lol made me laugh thanks :sparkling_heart:

I’ll admit I’m a fanboi here but this MUST BE something big.

As I stated earlier they said “We’ve been eagerly awaiting the moment we can SHOW YOU ALL THE THINGS we have been creating…”

I’ll come back here after the announce and tell you something about it :crossed_fingers:t2:


Something else that’s good to note is that in the metadata people discovered that the video is ~43 minutes long, meaning it’s prerecorded like the Blizzconline stream (Which incidentally was about ~38 minutes long)

Yes I’ve seen that too…

I really want this to be big, they disappointed us time and time again and I’m exhausted by all this. I just want a live game full of content and healthy updates.

This has been so mismanaged it drives me crazy if I think about the past three years.


It’s actually less appropriate. Even if we assume that Tracer in the background is the enemy team and they’re playing QPC, Bastion is not a turret anymore. Also, five people on the payload is some wacky fan fiction. I’m lucky if I get one other teammate who doesn’t think the payload is background decoration.

This pic is the perfect representation of difference between OW at launch and OW now. Back then people would run to the attackers’ spawn and emote, “hello” and tactically crouch, and so would the other team. Now, since OW is an e-sport, everyone just stays in the optimal spot on the high ground or they hide in some dark corners to get a sneak kill on a support.

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My expectations?

Animated short

New hero

New reworks

New trailer

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Reckoning Lunar Colony confirmed

id pay for that to happen

It says calling ALL heroes.

What this means, indisputably, is that all new launch heroes will be revealed, with indepth deepdives into each one, along with completed reworks of ALL overwatch 1 maps.

This presentation will be followed by the official launch of Overwatch 2 the following day. Sorry for spoilers. :slight_smile:

New hero reveal: DingleDorf; New map reveal: Cleveland, Ohio

what is being revealed tho

its plenty for me, i probably wont plat that many any way. Dont care about sojourn now

A new hero appears every two years … Buying this overwatch is like an investment … One day it will be worth it in 2050 when there will be more than 100 playable characters and 40 levels.
Oh sorry, this is overwatch 2.
I can’t wait for the overwatch 6!