Trying to rebalance the tanks (+Brigitte)



  • Range decreased from 22 to 20 meters

  • Direct Damage reduced from 25 to 20

Experimental Barrier:

  • Health increased from 700 to 900

  • Cooldown when recalled reduced from 2.5 to 1 second


  • Direct Damage reduced from 30 to 20

  • Splash Damage reduced from 40 to 30

  • Stun duration increased from 0.8 to 0.95 seconds

  • Cooldown reduced from 10 to 8 seconds

Gravitic Flux:

  • Cost reduced by 10%


Fusion Driver:

  • Damage reduced from 11 to 9


  • Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds


  • Damage reduction increased from 40% to 50%

Protective Barrier:

  • Health increased from 600 to 800


  • Cost reduced by 10%


Rocket Hammer:

  • Damage reduced from 85 to 75

Barrier Field:

  • Regeneration increased from 200 to 250

Fire Strike:

  • Damage reduced from 100 to 90

  • Cooldown reduced from 6 to 5 seconds


  • Stun duration increased from 2.5 to 3 seconds


Scrap Gun:

  • Damage reduced from 6 to 4

Take a Breather:

  • Leaves a cloud behind that grants 50% damage reduction for 4 seconds

Chain Hook:

  • Cooldown reduced from 8 to 6 seconds



  • Health reduced from 300 to 200

  • Armor increased from 300 to 400



  • Health increased from 150 to 200

Repair Pack:

  • Grants 75 armor again

  • Healing reduced from 55 to 50

  • Charges reduced from 3 to 2

The goal of the changes are simple: Less damage for the tanks while still being threatening.

My impressions are: Yes Brig will become meta (a mustpick in this case) again, that’s obvious, but will this be enough to bring back double shield? You know I’m actually wondering if we’d see Orisa/Dva become meta.

Back to Brig again - why would she grant more armor than she would do healing? Armor is both an overheal and a damage reduction… Do people really think that the third best support needs such massive buffs that we’ll never see the end of her reign?


Some of the sigma numbers are wrong, BTW. Hyper sphere is already 20m range, his damage is 3x higher than you said

Anyways, no thanks. While this would make tanks more OP than goats tanks should do damage. Also roadhog from 6 to 4 might make him worse than bastion. It’d be a close call.
Tanks are supposed to do as much dmg as dps, just not secure kills like them. Not sure how some people think tanks would be fun if they stood there holding blue blocks

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75 is too much.

At best she should replace some health with armor.
And only replace that health with armor, if the hero can get fully healed.

You had me until Hog. Reduce the hook range, hooks from Narnia are getting old.

The numbers are correct.
The 20 meters nerf didn’t make it into the live game and the damage numbers of his primary are 30 splash damage + 25 direct damage.

This is an option too.


  • 12m defense matrix and you have a deal (:

Tanks are already getting destroyed in 0.5 seconds, with your rebalance they do less damage and die in 1 second.

So I would call this rebalance a fail.

Yeah. For people who find hog annoying and who actually play hog the hog “rebalance” was quite terrible. Making him more of a hook bot instead of a frontline bruiser

My take:

Range from 20m to 18m

Cool down from 8 seconds to 9 seconds

Damage per pellet to 7

How would they die in one second when I reduce the overall damage in the game and increase their survivability?

If fixed that for you.

Ok. I’m not sure how to put this, but by this point you should know off tanks aren’t tanks.
Hog is a hook bot. He hooks, gets a kill if it lands or backs off if it breaks and hides…
Hog should put pressure on teams with high dmg. He isn’t a tank. I’ve said this a couple times.
Main tanks take damage and space
Off tanks control damage and space

Stop trying to make rein a shield bot

Sigs nerfs suck as well.

i think that’s armor as an overheal
you throw two and they get 75 armor max
i agree with you though not a fan of this

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I like it but Brig needs more changes. I would reduce number of repair packs to only one.
And 75 armor seems too much. Max 50 armor maybe?

How to balance tanks:

  • Rework sigma, remove his shield.
  • Buff orisa’s and rein’s shield.
  • Never add another shield tank in this god forsaken game.

Oh so you mean each one applies 37.5 armor on a full health target? Not quite how I interpreted it but regardless it’d still be a pretty big buff. This is not even bringing up the extra 50HP, particularly with how dramatically good she got when they tried her with only an extra 25HP.

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he’s always been

Well…the reason why I put this in is because one shots are not fun.

This would make her play pretty much like 1.0. But yes. Armor could go down to 50 if too strong.

I thought about making his barrier work like photon biarrier. His barrier is already a copy of Symmetra’s barrier so why not give him the limitations too?

No. Each one can give up to 75 overheal. It could be too strong but I think the nerfed heal and 2 charges which is another heal nerf could compensate the armor.
I changed her because she’s just a heal bot now and I’d love to see her having more utility again.

Ok. If one shots aren’t fun:

Remove Ana
Remove rein
Remove hog
Remove hanzo
Remove junk
Remove reaper
Remove widow
Remove Ashe
Remove sigma

That should be all the one shots.
Oh wait that’s almost a third of the roster?
One shots are apart of the game to threaten bad positioning.

He currently isn’t and most people who play him would like it to stay that way.

sig can’t 1 shot anymore.