True internet breaking skin

No its not

The in game ones are pure black

Edit: Nvm they are im blind

That’s sad to hear. This stocking design fits the skin much better than plain black.

Edit: wait, they do?

I editted it bc i was wrong

They are part of the skin

That’s… good to hear. I might actually buy this skin, even tho I prefer Academy.

I’ll finally see what’s all the fuss is about.

I prefer waveracer myself

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I used to rock that skin last Summer Games event

I just fell in love with how beautiful the Academy skin is.

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While we’re at it. Hanzo needs a… iunno, weird Totoro inspired theme.

I just ramble off japanese nonsense when he ults, but I enjoy saying, “totemo kawaii neko no densha”

Now, if he fired ult and had two really cute cat trains whistling their destructive path towards the enemy team. Perfection.

You mean like this boi

Yes but with Doritos shuriken and orange tipped fingers from them.

A cat theme wouldn’t exactly be fan service for the people that play genji.