Trololololololo ... what a joke this is!

Lol, when you figure out that medals don’t win games you’ll climb.


Top Comment!!


The devs don’t come to the forums anymore.

There are too many bad ideas.

Don’t count your heals, make your heals count :slight_smile:


You have to provide more value than the opposing supports.

If you’re just heal bottling whilst enemy suuports fragging out, you’ll get the heal card, but they’ll get the win.

I climbed 800 sr in 2 seasons on Lucio after practising and learning how to duel (dropped since as not kept up with skill inflation).

Your Lucio kd and win rate is great. I’d just stick with him.


You need to pick bap and do 3-5 solo kills per 10 mins, be on fire 25-50% of time. But you need aim. Yes, this “ez” thingy would carry you up to mid diamond, if you have it.
My stats with Bap when I boost from lower elo to diamond be like 500 heals per min and 1000-1500 damage. I usually have no medals or have damage gold medal just playing agressively and manage to survive after.
Aim stats be like : 39-50 % with primary and 69-75% with healing, could variate depends on match and who you shooting at. If your primary went lower than 35 %(shooting squishies) do aim practice with these two workshops E46T9 / A9FBX untill you feel aim boost of it.

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if you want to climb you have to kill your way up. its the only way to hard climb as support.


Step 1: find smurf;
Step 2: befriend them;
Step 3: pocket them to success;
Step 4: profit.

In solo your chances are really low.

Stop healbotting and make plays, that is it


honestly - they should just hide medals until the end of the game at this point.
I’m not sure there’s a bigger source of toxicity - and there’s a lot of sources of toxicity - in this game.

9 times out of 10 when someone calls out a teammate’s performance they’ll retort with the “I’ve got Gold medals” defense - when that doesn’t mean anything - oh wait it just means that of all the turds in the litter box, yours stinks the least


I wonder what +MMR is about then. If it’s about “doing whatever it takes to win”, they could use SR-only system and never need mmr to match people. Somewhere behind the scenes they are mapping his “performance” in to MMR skill rating, the only real rank used to match and move you. So if they don’t use stats for that what are they using?

The problem I see is that solving a lot of win conditions (like hitscan the pharah) will make you win the game but doesn’t leave behind a stat-carry data trail. So now you “won” but your mmr barely moves and with 50-50 matchmaking, it will basically start pulling you down or climb less fast. All the while you’re doing what the coaches say in terms of solving problems, playing around the team, and nailing out win conditions. Dumb system imo.

But it does mean something. If you stat pad, you’re mmr boosting, and the system will think you deserve to rank up, because you’re over-performing your teammates on paper. The matchmaker doesn’t care how clutch you were. And usually the more surgical your play, the less medals you get for it. If you’re Mr.Clutch over and over, yes you will win games and SR will go up, but the games will get harder and harder because the MM is convinced you need to go down (having really low mmr - the cost of not playing for stats).

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This is a load of nonsense that has nothing to do with how MMR works. MMR is essentially the internal representation of your SR.

MMR is a little more volatile and if you’re in the upper ranks the 3900SR cap creates a substantial difference between MMR and SR at the start of the season… but for most people most of the time MMR and SR are the same thing.


I dunno.

I had a 10 game win streak as I neared my career high, low plat.

Bizarrely the games were super easy. But I wasn’t performing great in them stats wise.

I think the whole ladder is super chaotic and you get streaks as part of that.

Although I’ve seen other people convinced that’s how it works, so I dunno.

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I already did it once bronze - plat on Mercy in one season solo queue. But I’ve since dropped back down. Playing better now than then… doesn’t make much sense I think it’s more pot luck.

At the end of the day your rank doesn’t matter. Nobody cares. Just have fun. If you’re not having fun then play something else :slight_smile:

but that doesn’t matter, the matchmaking compares your stats to others playing the same hero at that rank, it doesn’t take into account your performance compared to your teammates whatsoever.


You have to become a famous streamer and you will climb

Maining Mercy in low ranks is extremely bad as barely has any impact on the match and no carry potential, especially since you completely rely on your team


I agree other heroes can have more impact. But I enjoy playing Mercy more than the other supports.

I went from 1100 to 2550 in one season and it took about 90 hours. I’m back in gold now though, but it’s fine, I don’t care about rank anymore. You get good and bad games at any rank that’s just how it is.

You’re right though, if all you want to do is climb fast then I wouldn’t recommend her. Zen or Moira are probably your best bet.


I coached a girl on support who had a similar jump. I couldn’t believe it!! Super dedicated!!

People act like gold is such a bad place to be and it isn’t.

The higher you climb, the fewer mistakes you’re allowed to make every couple seconds.

Personally I prefer playing at that level. But looking back, getting there was 1/2 worth it.

Honestly I don’t really see 3500+ games as bad games, I just see me missing a lot of knowledge/skills/experience that others have.

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So you’re saying MMR doesn’t track factors like accuracy %, APM, ult/10, dmg, elims, per 10, rank averages, etc.? I get how SR doesn’t do that. SR is basically a no-reset winrate. They say SBMM scores you on a bunch of stats and is closer to pbsr, and I thought MMR was overwatch’s way of doing SBMM-light. i.e. slightly less rigging.

If MMR isn’t doing any interal scorekeeping, why have it? Just make matches with SR and aware a bit more pbsr when needed (streaks or vs. much harder opponents).

Then you would never have to fear people stat padding their placements.

Yes, that’s essentially what I’m saying, although MMR/SR does include a ‘Performance Based SR’ modifier for each match played in ranks below Diamond that accounts for those factors.

More importantly, that’s what the devs have said. Theories to the contrary require assuming the devs are deliberately lying to us for nefarious purposes.

The primary reason is that MMR is a floating point number that marks skill in standard-deviations. Nobody wants to see an a win take their MMR from 0.50103901 to 0.505217365 … and they definitely don’t want to see an MMR of -1.7623104.

Seeing MMR go from 2485 to 2517 , or having MMR are 1701 feel much better than seeing tiny changes in a long fractional number, and having any positive whole number feels better than having a negative fractional number as your rating.

Once you already have a scaling factor in there, it’s a lot easier to want to tinker with the output. (Whether such tinkering is a good idea or not is another question… certainly there would be less fuel for conspiracy theories if it were a pure scaling factor and no tinkering.)

By tinkering I mean, for example, making a rule that you can never lose SR when you win a game, or gain SR when you lose one. I’m not sure this is even possible anymore now that Performance Based SR has been drastically weakened (and it won’t be possible above Platinum where you don’t have PBSR), but at least in the early days it was rare but possible, presumably by simultaneously being on a streak and having strong PBSR and having the team difference all modify in one direction while the win or loss is in the other direction.

The other thing they do is “smooth out” the SR gain or loss. We don’t know the exact formula, but from what they’ve said about it “chasing” MMR and so on, we can speculate it must be something like:
At the end of a match scale the new MMR to the 0-5000 SR range, and average it with the old SR, clamping the result between a minimum and maximum gain/loss to prevent it from moving too much or too little.

In the end, this gets you to the same place although MMR can run ahead of SR if you’re on a long streak, especially one with strong PBSR factors in the same direction as your streak.

Also, of course, they artificially move SR even when MMR doesn’t change under two circumstances – the 3900 SR cap at the beginning of the season that forces Masters & GMs to re-earn their place, and the SR “Penalty” for leaving competitive matches.

Kaawumba has compiled pretty much all we know about the topic, and over the years I’ve read or listened to the primary sources for everything dealing with MMR/SR to try to understand the system.

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