Trash m8s in matchmaking

Ah yes the classic “It’s everyone’s fault but mine, I’m perfect and never make any mistakes my teammates are just holding me back” post


never said that im not making any mistakes + thats its everyone fault im saying that everytime i get into “matchmaking” everyone is terrible, when i play with a full team even if im not talking with them via discord or anythin else only ingame chat we win 99% of the time

It’s ok i believe you, you’re really a closet Grandmaster. Your team is just full of morons who don’t know how to play. If only the matchmaker would just give you players who are as good at the game as you are

Also, why don’t you just only play in pre made 6 stacks if you’re winning 99% of the time in them?


Just pic Zen, click some heads and you’ll climb 1000sr in couple days.
Sad part is that the teammates are still just as random.

dude i never said im playing like a top 500 or something like that but im sure that im playing better than my m8s, i had some good ones im my team but 90% of the time there are bad ones that sometimes even are high level and still dont know how to play or aim in this game

+exactly the random m8s that i get when i soloq or just from the matchmaking queue are pretty bad

If that’s really true then you would climb. It’s pretty simple, if you play better than the enemy team and your teammates then you will be winning more games than you will be losing. Will you still lose? Of course, but you’ll win more because of your above average play.

Now if you’re playing around the same as your teammates/the enemy you will stay in your rank. So if your staying in your rank then that is where you belong. Tough pill to swallow at first, I know. I used to think i was better than I really was but after playing for quite a while I can see that I’m no better than them. Especially after i played the dps role extensively.

Also I’d like to quote a statement from an overwatch developer. I think it’s quite fitting for this type of post

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i could climb out of silver/gold so easily and i saw that when i had a full team we won match after match without letting the enemys even get near that point and i still got some impressive overall stats, and no im not saying that “It’s everyone’s fault but mine, I’m perfect and never make any mistakes my teammates are just holding me back” im saying that with even the one person that isnt getting picks or heals enough im already losing. yes there are good players in low rank, but i never saw someone where i thought that he was carrying the *hit out of me. which i can say in csgo, i saw so many players that had the potential of getting into e-sports but they still were stuck in gold nova when i was in that rank (meanwhile me and some of them got into supreme-global elo becouse we played with “good m8s”

If that’s the case then why don’t you just only play in 6 stack? If 6 stacking was working for you then why did you stop?

It’s the final day, people don’t care.

https:// pbs. twimg. com/media/EA0dqvXXkAAuh-6?format=jpg&name=900x900

well here is another problem… waiting for m8s that join u takes too long and i dont have many friends that play ow active

Also plenty of players have climbed through your rank in solo q and made it to diamond+ so there’s really no excuse. If your stuck in that rank with the “bad m8s” then you are no better than they are

This post is telling me, “I’m better than my teammates and because they preform so badly; I’m losing sr i shouldn’t be losing,”

If you don’t belong where you currently reside in, you’ll climb back instantly.

In silver up to plat, one can solo-carry and climb out isntatnly when they don’t belong there. Everyone gets bad teammates once in a while. Blaming every teammate after a loss is not going to magically make you climb y’know.


ok not exacly like that but when i play stuff like zen and have more heal than our mercy even tho i go more dmg then for healing everyone

I’m sure your zen play isn’t perfect either. Certainly you’ve made positioning mistakes or had an ill-timed transcendence, or lost 1v1s to enemy dps before. Because if you were perfect in all of those you’d be well on your way to diamond+

Pretty sure everyone at your rank including you are trash

You think the matchmaker is giving only you bad players? It gives everyone bad players… equally.

“i get gold medals” - doesn’t actually mean anything at all. Don’t be one of those people just getting kills and then blaming their team for their losses.

If you play a ton of games and don’t climb, then you are where you are for a reason. Those scrubs you are matched with, are as scrubby as you are. If you are actually slowly climbing, then just realize you will lose some matches, before you climb to the rank you should be.

Then you can rightfully blame the mercy for performing badly and not healing enough. I believe once you can see your own mistakes and stop with them you’ll climb.

Really that post with the Dunning-Kruger effect was made by a dev?
I would call that unprofessional at best.
You simply dont mock the player base like that.

I have no idea how the MMR system works and we will most likely never find out.
But its reasonable to assume that this system is not perfect.
“If” a player would end up at a lower tier he/she would have problems climbing.
A single player who plays better than the average rank hes placed in can not carry an entire team.
That should be really obvious.
So is the person who started this thread really of higher skill and in the wrong rank? Unknown. Maybe he could post a video of some gameplay?

In QP yes. In QP I often get thrash teammates/ teammates who are clearly much worse than me.

In Comp no. In Comp I get good teammates more often than not, or at least teammates who are at my level.