Tracking Mercy's gm pickrates day 5

Mercy has always been a victim of the meta


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Mercy will always have a very high pick rate. She is loved by many and many will continue to play her regardless of her status in the meta. Even during the Ana triple tank meta she was like 4th most picked hero. None of this is to say she’s not op because she is, but pick rate, especially for heroes like Mercy or Dva who have huge fan followings is not an accurate metric to go by.


I love seeing all the salt from players thinking Mercy needs a nerf. Protip: shes fine, and there’s no nerf incoming.


hes getting an ult charge nerf… nothing will change by that

B-B-B-B-B-BUT The overbuff pick-rates say!!11

Her been 4th picked hero when she was utter garbage (seasons 2+3) really shows her popularity with the player-base.



Thanks everyone but This thread is not meant to discuss our personal feelings on mercy just to track day by day pickrates and statistics.

There is a huge thread committed to discussing personal feelings on her state please post there if you wish to comment

And you will see now with the moira nerf.

Mercy has had a close-to 100% pickrate for nearly 9 months, it has nothing to do with Hanzo. Hanzo needs a small nerf for sure, but it’s nothing compared to Mercy, nor the type of play she enables. She’s way too low risk high reward. Her ratio is completely out of sync.


Just waiting for that revert


You are conveniently forgetting about the various incarnations of rez that made her the most obviously broken hero in the history of OW.

Separate entities (things with their own hp pools) can be damage boosted everything else can if you want jr tire to be boosted you either have to remove it’s hp pool or make it so torb and symm turrets can be damage boosted too

Blizzard never ever revert any changes. It’s an ego problem they have. And will be the downfall of this game.

It’s time to let go.


I’m not forgetting at all, that’s part of risk/reward. She is minimal risk to play -not particularly difficult to get use out of- and very difficult to kill, even if you’re not adept at playing her (her kit is too generous for her survivibility), and her rewards for that (which is her ability to use Rez as it exists (and has existed, all iterations) on a CD) are far too much.

Mercy needs to be harder to play -tone down her self-heal, tweak Guardian Angel- and rez needs to be behind the barrier of an ult. ‘Big Rez’ should never and will never come back, but she should only be able to rez -one instant charge- during her Valk.

They reverted the lucio change in PTR

And partially the ana dmg nerf

Or do you want even more.mercy nerfs? Its literally imposible to nerf her more

She is an very likable hero overall where people like to play her. Also, Zen,DVA, Genji, or Tracer. Should we nerf Rein because of his pick rate but he is currently underpowered.

What are you talking about? Mercy has one of the most generous kits in the game.

Blizzard does ‘revert’ changes. They’re not going to ‘revert’ an entire rework. At best they will rework a hero again (ala Symmetra). They changed ‘Big Rez’ for a reason. It’s never coming back. It should never come back.

So that’s 2 reverts in the 2 years of Overwatch being live.

Nah, don’t want Mercy nerfs.

It would definetly solve a lot of issues, Rez would have to be worked for again and not for free, plus it would counter dragon/grav

I think its the best thing to do really, maybe not revert but just rework her again with a different version of it

You need to look at the correlation here though; Rein is picked at the moment only because Hanzo is out of sync. Mercy’s pickrate has survived (and caused) all meta changes since her rework. She is the only constant across all of them. That’s the issue.

A hero being ‘meta’ for a season isn’t generally a problem. That’s how the game will always evolve. But to be a must pick for going on a year is a real balance issue. Just because she is ‘popular’ doesn’t entitle her to have special treatment or be easier or better to play as.