Track reload for D.VA out of mech?

Hi guys,

Does anyone know if it is possible to either track if D.VA is reloading or if her ammo count is 0? I seem to be able to do this for other heroes using the new ammo value or “is reloading” condition, but for D.VA out of mech it is not working. Presumably because she doesn’t use ammo while she’s inside the mech these types of conditions can’t be applied even though she’s outside of mech? Is this a bug or intended?

What I’m trying to do is to set a variable to add +1 every time that she has emptied her clip. Does anyone have a solution for that?

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You need to additionally check in which form D.VA is we got the methods for such case recently in Mai this year, as Echo was released and caused some trouble.


Thanks! I’ll check that.

You’re a hero

Your welcome^^. Hope it helps.

Were you thinking about the “Is in alternate form” condition, or did you think of something different?

If so, I seem to be able to check whether that condition is true (and that works well), but the “is reloading” condition is never considered true whatever I do (it always returns 0). Am I using it wrong?


rule("D.VA - Reload")
		Ongoing - Each Player;
		Team 1;
		Slot 0;

		Is Hero Being Played(Hero(D.Va), Team 1) == True;
		Is In Alternate Form(Event Player) == True;
		Is Reloading(Event Player) == True;
		disabled Ammo(Event Player, 0) == 0;

		Small Message(Event Player, Custom String("Reloading!"));

To figure that out i need to know what Disabled Ammo should be the syntax seems wrong if you compare a variable it should be Event Player.YourVariableName == 0 or Global Variable.YourVariableName == 0. Reloading check should turn true if D.VA is actually Reloading in Baby form, if not it might be a bug then.

Ah yes, I’m not using the disabled condition for ammo in this simple test. But even without it “is reloading” does nothing.

Even so, they way I understand it:

Ammo(Event Player, 0) == 0;

[Ammo] = the current ammo of a player.
[Event player] = the player whose ammot to aquire.
[0] = The clip (could be 0 or 1, due to baptiste having two sets of ammo?)
[== 0] = ammo count should be 0.

This condition works well with other heroes that have an ammo count. Does nothing at all for baby diva.

Ah, for that case you actually don’t need to check for Ammo while reloading when ammo is 0 it auto reloads anyway and when it does Is Reloading should validated as true anyways, if it doesn’t work it might be a bug for D.VA especially, the 2 ideas i have left is to change Is In Alternate Form == true the true to a actual number like 0 should be Mech Form and 1 outside the Mech, the second way is to set the event to check for not to be Slot 0 but instead specify the hero D.VA as target to check directly, maybe u were in the wrong slot or team as u have tested it. If those last mentioned ideas still not work it might be due a bug Blizzard needs again to fix.

Thats just how a disabled action/condition looks if the code is in text form.

Thanks for the info, good to know^^. But seems first of really confusing, maybe Blizzard could assign Disabled as a macro specifier in brackets instead of leaving it in plain text alone :().

Thanks for your ideas, I will try them out.

As for the slot, when testing I’m always in slot 0 as I only allow 1 player in team 1.

I’m not certain “is in alternate form” will do anything (at least the way that I’m using it) as it can only return a true/false. The other conditions for “ammo” or “is reloading” shouldn’t return different values if I’ve checked for alternate form or not? Or am I wrong?

I think ammo count / reloading might be something that wasn’t considered as D.VA while inside mech doesn’t use ammo or reloads. That there’s no “ammuntion clip size scalar” slider for D.VA in the custom game options does seem to indicate that at least a little.

I’m a little late, but I can second that this is a bug with I was messing around with the workshop and found that because doesn’t reload or have a clip size while in mech, baby doesn’t have either of those properties (tho she should).

That means that currently (in and out of mech) will always have 0 ammo; 0 max ammo; and is considered to be never reloading.

Here’s a workshop code that I used to test: 4TN4J

They just fixed this on PTR.