Tracer's special treatment

Tracer, Genji, and maybe Rein are easily the devs’ favorite heroes. If I had to guess which hero was their least favorite I’d be inclined to say Pharah. They buffed all of her counters multiple times, added another hero that hard counters her, and only recently given her a small net buff to compensate. And that buff didn’t come without massive nerfs and indirect buffs to her counters. Pharah took one step forward and a half step back, while all of her counters took 3 steps forward

Either they don’t know how to handle Pharah or they don’t care. Wouldn’t be surprised if none of the devs even played her

Tracer players are the luckiest in the game because they’ve not once had to deal with any drama or turmoil around their hero, unlike hog or dva or mercy or ana or all the former defense heroes…really almost every single hero in the game has had issues and the people that play them have gone thru some sort of grief. except genji players, and tracers ofc

One-shot? You mean that combo that requires Brig to use three different abilities (bash+melee+whip)?

Tracer has been unstoppable since beta. So many heroes have been nerfed because they made Tracer too powerful (Sym, Zen, Brig, the list goes on), why dont we nerf the actual source of the problem, instead of everything else?

Ignoring GM and whatnot at this moment…
Tracer’s annoying, but not unstoppable. Nerfed Brig still will keep her in check. BUT Moira is also a good Tracer killer. And Genji killer. Due to her lock on and long range. Always has been since before Brig.

You mean that beam that does 50 dps and requires continuous los? On the fastest heroes in the game? No I don’t buy that. The orbs are sort of OK at countering Tracer imo, cause they zip around just as fast as her an even less predictably, but nowhere near as much as Brig used to.

But what can Brig do now? She can’t combo kill her, so Tracer has no reason not to get in Brig’s face if she needs to, potentially darting in and out of range whilst shooting at Brig til she dies. Brig has no response to that now.

Also I don’t think Tracer is just a problem in GM, its at least Diamond/high Plat+. The same level you start seeing good Widows and other aim intensive heroes.

I am not sure how you play Moira, but “down here”, Tracers are… food. If a Tracer is really good with her blink I might have to combo with an orb, but most of the time people just don’t even realize I am killing them until they are half health (Moira’s sucking beam is VERY long, and often I can attach it to someone’s back or side so they don’t even see it but has to rely on sound to know they’re being attacked).
But yes, even in a pure duel, I come out on top about 75% of the time. Blink + Self Heal + Damage Orb will do that.

Edit: Also, Genjis tend to panic when they realize they can’t deflect the sucking beam and that always helps…

But she isn’t even in the top ten in GM. If that is dominating, then you must think that Zenyatta and Mccree are dominating GM as well.

That shes still dominating was meant as in the past tense, nor present

Like saying “if tracer is only currently dominating in high ranks, shes still dominating, only in the high ranks, sure but still dominating”

She didn’t dominate in the past either. She never made it past the top ten in GM. The only time she ever has was in pro play. Nerfing her because she’s “dominating” is literally balancing for the pros.

No hero should really be dominating in any rank tho

My reaction would be the same if this was happening in bronze, or plat or gm or top500 or owl

Sure, right now she isnt

But there was a period where the higj ranks and to some level my plat matches where “whoever kills enemy tracer first wins”

She never dominated so that means there’s no basis for a nerf.


I just told you that she never dominated, that includes the past.

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Its like either im completly hallucinating all the tracer dominance clearly seen in pro play and high-mid ladder or you forgot it

I mean BRigitte WAS added for a reason

Tracer was like invencible pre-brig
Tje forums
The pros
The laddef
Everyone said the games were decided by her

Pulse bomb countering tanks was a massive issue. Tracers would see an Orisa and smack a pulse bomb on her for a near free Elim thats why it was nerfed.

In terms of counters, Moira (she can easily out heal the damage and has to activate fade to be vulnerable to pulse bomb).

Damage really isn’t my role, but when I have to play dmg vs tracer I just try to chip at her she’s a low health hero in your back line (minimal support help, means she needs Health packs means she’s not fighting means you’re up 1).

Solider spray and Pray, Junkrat spam, hell even reaper on the healers deals with a Tracer because the goal is to make her back off so you win the fight.

Tank: (same principle as reaper but this time you’re diving her when she dives your supports, tracer doesn’t want to take 2v1s she wants supports alone)

Orisa is another good solution, without pulse bomb being an instant elim you can use shield to protect your team and drag a tracer into a bad position (Orisa is not meta, but if you can pull her off she’s an option).

That’s the issue, flankers, they are designed to be in the enemy backlines where the supports are, as for your example, Roadhog is a tank, if he even tries to approach the backline he is sent to spawn faster than my grades are dropping. You can’t have someone being able to one shot with good mobility and a “Oh crap” button. It’s not a healthy hero.

Tracer doesn’t have high enough of a pick rate to show this “dominance”. You’re not hallucinating, you just focusing on only Tracer.

Then why wasn’t her pickrate incredibly high? She’s always had a fairly low one and it never rose past the top ten in the high ranks. Why do keep ignoring that fact?

To shut down Dive, not Tracer specifically.

Anyway, you probably want nerfs as well because of her dominance in the pro scene.

After all…

I remember hearing some pro players mention that some of them thought Tracer was OP and that their games back then basically boiled down to who has the better Tracer.

And a lot of people are advocates of balancing at the top level. So if we do that, then yeah. We may see a nerf for her come. Not a big one. Just one that would affect pros like the nerf they gave to Zenyatta’s Orb Volley.

Something small like slightly increasing her Blink CD. I’m talking fractions of a second longer. 3.5s or something. That’d probably be a nerf that would have its impact at pro play without really making her horrible for the ranks where she doesn’t do so hot.


Tracer is garbage unless you the top .5% of players. Her stats are trash and her pick rate is even garbage. Even before brig her win rate was mediocre at best.

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Naw i think shes balanced…but if shes dominating that much maybe she needs buffed counters