Tracer Twitch drop problem

same issue here, just tier 3

Hey there, same here I thought I was the only one. Hope they fix this!

I have the same issue, no tier 3 sprays in game, PC NA

Same issue, PS4 Europe.

Same problem, Tier 3 locked on PC game

same problem on pc got 3 drops but still have sprays locked

And where are my Tier 3 sprays, Blizzard? I watched all six hours of Emongg’s broadcast yesterday. The game still shows it as locked. There really ought to be an official mega-thread explaining what’s going on.

Same problem on PC [quote=“FieryTemper-2967, post:1, topic:549507, full:true”]
I watched the stream and got all three Tracer drops before the patch. However, after the update, the third tier is shown as not acquired in game, while the other two are fine. Anyway to fix this?

Same problem on PC

Same problem, no Tier 3 reward in game

pls fix this issue…

Same problem, no Tier 3 reward in game. :japanese_goblin:

Same thing for me! Thought there was a delay or so.

Same problem for my, waiting for a solution :(.

Same, I lost the tier 3 rewards. Fix it please!!

Same problem here on PC!!! So annoying!!!

Same on ps4. Shown unlocked in Twitch but not in game.

Hello. I was not transferred for watching the graffiti on Twitch. I got graphite on the twitch itself. I’ve been watching twitch for 2 days in the game and haven’t transferred more than one graphite

having the same issue

Got notification for all 3 tier drops in Twitch but all the sprays are still locked for me in game. Checked and my battle net account is correctly linked to Twitch. Same problem occurred during Overwatch Ashe Mardi Gras event drops, twitch notified about drop but they are not in game. Echo’s event which was in between worked without problem.

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Also the same issue for me