Tracer single handedly tore through my team

I just got back from 2 weeks for telling a mercy to try a different hero. That was my second ban when does it reset my post count?

Let the sucker die and take your chance to hack her.

Literally all problems every dps and support main has especially us flanker mains. That’s my kinda my whole point tho tracer has a recall delay, trails on her blinks and the second I’m on fire from 1 good play i check the enemy lineup and off healer or dps has switched to bridge specifically to take me out of play and force a swap. Every hero has a slew of things that can make them useless currently. Flankers just more than others and I’d argue it should be that way as a 220 hour tracer player. Sombra has tons of bugs and honestly just smoothing out her gameplay would work wonders for her I think. Also as annoying as hack is making it faster or more consistent would help a boatload too

However, Sombra can hack Tracer and stop her dead in her tracks.

The more you know, OP.

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If you are talking about today, then it was me.

Because today was the only day where I played as tracer and got a team wipe

i usually play sombra, widow or battle mercy

If it was yesterday on kings row ps4 then I’m stealing the glory with my 5man pistol spree :slight_smile:

Lol it was today on Blizzard world pc

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Nuu uuh

Because it was me :slight_smile:

You literally have 123 hours on Tarcer and then the second most payed being Reaper at 19.

You have spent so little time playing against Tarcer you have no idea what its like.

Tracer is the hardest to hit, with 200 burst damage, with the best mobility, and the best survivability. There is no weakness. The stuns in this game are Mccree and Brig. Who can only use them on cooldown and only a couple meters in distance. And a good Tarcer player will bait them out.

Tracer has always been annoying, always being the best dps, always playable in metas.

Tracer could do with a nerf.

Tracer gets instant deleted by Brig. Instant one tapped by mccree (if stunned) one shot by doomfist, one-shot by a good widow, she gets completely blown apart as soon as she gets hacked.

Hanzo is easy to kill if you use genji, Winston (although oh my god does storm arrow suck for my poor monkey), literally himself or widow(if you’re a better Sniper than him), he dies to brig, too if she gets close.

Junkrat…ok he really sucks to play into sometimes, but his primary was Nerfed recently. Stay further away. Also any kind of range dps blows him up. Literally and figuratively.

Genji screams Japanese then has to get SUPER close in order to do any damage. Any kind of CC = Dead screaming weeb.
Hack = Dead screaming weeb.
Tanks swatting him = Dead screaming weeb. Defensive ults, Moira, Symmetra, torbjorn, any kind of boop, Moira right click, also Moira fade soft counters since you don’t know where she went. Bionade kills him too. Need I go on?

Widow gets countered by everything Hanzo does as I mentioned earlier.

Brig gets countered by…biotic grenade. She (nearly) gets destroyed as soon as it hits her midfight, a good ana will aim for the splash on her and call it out. She’s also countered by any ranged dps hero, and any kind of burst damage, although it can be hard to pull off.

There is counterplay to almost everything, you just need to know how to do it, or what to do, or your team mates need to do it. Which is part of the problem. It’s a team based shooter. If people don’t do what they’re supposed to, then of course you will have trouble.

Sombra is actually great. Her damage is quite good if you can aim, she’s great at picking off low hp targets, she completely removes the utility of many targets with hack, she can stealth as long as she wants, and EMP is still one of the best ultimates in the game IF YOUR TEAM MATES FOLLOW UP.

But… err… isn’t there like 40 million players?
It is possible an other Tracer somewhere in the world also got a team wipe, you know?

220 on tracer second most rein with 100 then mercy around 60. Also my hours on tracer have nothing to do with how much I’ve played against her. That’s up to my enemy’s not me.

Lmfao! I was gonna go point by point on you but theres no reason to. Your mind is made up and nothing will change that. Keep blaming other heros for being bad at yours.

What nerf? Her nerf is called Brigitte, which is what started the whole sniperwatch.

As annoying as Tracer is, she doesn’t really need a nerf as of yet.

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Then definitely not you :stuck_out_tongue:

Unless Tracer blinks, which for some reason counts as a LOS break. Or sneezes on her, which interrupts the Hack. And even if you do hack her, Tracer has a shorter TTK, which means it’s still not in your favor. Who knows what, now?

Yes, literally all problems they have, unless you’re one of the heroes that is part of that problem.

Unless he one-shots any of those people (other than Winston). It’s funny how you have to juke and dodge and pray he misses, because one or two shots wins, whereas you have to use your whole clip otherwise.

And that is one of the biggest flaws of Sombra. Every hero in the game can do their job without 100% relying on the team to follow up. Every one. Every hero can at least be okay without constant communication and follow up. Some of them are better with it, sure, granted. But Sombra is the only one that requires it to even reach okay.

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Yeah it really sucks to have to rely so hard on your team. EMP is such an important ultimate and a lot of the time people don’t measure up or capitalize on it, nor see how incredibly good it is. It’s a weakness that hurts a lot.

If that happened for real it was not because of tracer directly, but because the tracer player was either a smurf or a deranked player.

You do realize that it is possible to hack her right?

I would have to disagree with this.

She’s not. Tracer can most certainly outplay and even kill a Brigitte, she has the tools for it by baiting her bash, and the increased CD on bash combined with the incoming shield nerf will certainly not increase Brigitte’s chances against a Tracer who knows whats she is doing, and I have already seen it often enough to know that it is more than possible.

Ill trade u pulse for emp any day. One of the worst ults to get one of the best.

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Tracer can’t outplay pre-Team fight Rally making her damage pointless, and she certainly can’t outplay Repair Packs ability to effortlessly save a target from an assault either. The best way for Tracer to outplay Brigitte throughout the entire match instead of fighting her is to go back to spawn, press H, and switch to a hero with better burst damage/OHKO’s. Tracer is literally only worth playing into Brigitte for “funsies”, if you can even call it that.


Saving pulse bomb just for Brig is a good way to deal with Brig. That’s if you can reliably land it on her. If not, you have a point on switching to another hero.

Still doesn’t do anything against Rally coming into the field before a team fight.

Pulse also doesn’t kill a Rallied Brig, so. As soon as she presses Q you really should swap.