Tracer gets instant deleted by Brig. Instant one tapped by mccree (if stunned) one shot by doomfist, one-shot by a good widow, she gets completely blown apart as soon as she gets hacked.
Hanzo is easy to kill if you use genji, Winston (although oh my god does storm arrow suck for my poor monkey), literally himself or widow(if you’re a better Sniper than him), he dies to brig, too if she gets close.
Junkrat…ok he really sucks to play into sometimes, but his primary was Nerfed recently. Stay further away. Also any kind of range dps blows him up. Literally and figuratively.
Genji screams Japanese then has to get SUPER close in order to do any damage. Any kind of CC = Dead screaming weeb.
Hack = Dead screaming weeb.
Tanks swatting him = Dead screaming weeb. Defensive ults, Moira, Symmetra, torbjorn, any kind of boop, Moira right click, also Moira fade soft counters since you don’t know where she went. Bionade kills him too. Need I go on?
Widow gets countered by everything Hanzo does as I mentioned earlier.
Brig gets countered by…biotic grenade. She (nearly) gets destroyed as soon as it hits her midfight, a good ana will aim for the splash on her and call it out. She’s also countered by any ranged dps hero, and any kind of burst damage, although it can be hard to pull off.
There is counterplay to almost everything, you just need to know how to do it, or what to do, or your team mates need to do it. Which is part of the problem. It’s a team based shooter. If people don’t do what they’re supposed to, then of course you will have trouble.
Sombra is actually great. Her damage is quite good if you can aim, she’s great at picking off low hp targets, she completely removes the utility of many targets with hack, she can stealth as long as she wants, and EMP is still one of the best ultimates in the game IF YOUR TEAM MATES FOLLOW UP.