Tracer shouldn’t be able to one clip a 200 hp hero

Personally I would nerf Tracers damage, but it wouldn’t be in a way that made one clips impossible. I would slow her rate of fire. Less damage per second, but she would still have the smae ‘feel’ for lack of a better word and people would have more time to react to Tracer assassinating their supports.


Press a d a d a d a d a d a d

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Oh! Can I play this game?

  • Reaper shouldn’t be able to 2 shot a 200hp hero
  • Widow shouldn’t be able to 1-shot a 200hp hero
  • Brig’s stun-melee-boop combo shouldn’t 1-shot 150hp Tracer
  • Hog’s rClick shouldn’t 1-shot a 200hp hero
  • DVa’s micro rocket burst shouldn’t be able to kill a 200hp hero

I’m sure there’s more…


was she? when the game first came out people could pick the same hero.

Every hero can one clip 200 hp heroes btw, even mercy.


Yeah. Recall and blinks.

Blinks being hands down the best mobility ability in the entire game. Tracers have no reason to be dying ever, unless randomly hacked by a sombra.


I also believe that nerfing her damage is the way to go, thta way you don’t mess with her identity or force players to relearn her but you can still pull back on her power and make her more about being very mobile and helping her team distract enemies and finish them off, instead of being an unstoppable assassin like she is now.


I’m really starting to wonder about the Tracer hate. Even as a console player, shutting down a Tracer isn’t that difficult if you can aim, make calls, and work as a team. I imagine she’s much stronger on console due to the difficulty of hitscanning.

I’d have to recommend playing Tracer to anyone who complains about her. You realize very quickly how easy it is to die, and you also see how easy it is to counter her. All you have to do is force recall. If you do that, it’s over. Blinks and recall are also pretty predictable once you get the feel for it.

If you don’t understand the “rhythm” of Tracer though, she’ll always give you problems. This is true for every hero, but especially Tracer.


Its good that you mention that because that is the reason why most teams ran a double Winston, double Tracer and double Lucio composition. Tracer has always been the most powerful DPS in the game, Genji has also been very strong.

If tracer had “no reason to be dying at all”, then why does she die in pro games? Surely she doesn’t have a reason to…

That’s flawed af logic. Literally press a d a d if you don’t wanna get one-clipped.


Yes she should. Her clip lasts as long as her health if someone shoots back.


Yes, so strong she literally was non-existant in the tank meta.


In case you really are wondering, let me tell you something, if it were as easy as you say, there wouldnt so much debate about the balance of this character wouldn’t it? There is only so much that the people defending her can tell the others that they suck or to learn to play or something. It is clear that she is a problematic hero, always has been.

The tank meta was the result of an extreme unbalance that was quickly fixed, and as far as i remember, Tracer and Genji were still very much used.

To add to what you listed:

  • Reaper can actually one shot every non tank bar Bastion at close enough range. The shotguns can deal up to 280 damage per shot (assuming point blank headshot)

  • Brigitte’s stun-melee-boop combo 1-shots Tracer, but can also 1-shot every 200hp hero if they are discorded or if Brigitte is damage boosted

  • Junkrat’s nade+mine combo can deal up to 240 damage in easily less than 0.2 seconds

  • If he lands his leap combo right and finishes with a melee, Winston can kill a 200hp hero in exactly 1.5 seconds ie a mere half second faster than a Tracer one clip


you talking about when comp first came out or when the game first came out?

As a lover of hog 2.0 who knew how easily hook was baited and broken, I can tell you this doesn’t work in practice.

Without any extra abilities and just bodyshots:

McCree can one clip two 200 health heroes,
Soldier 76 can one clip two 200 heroes,
Reaper can one clip four 200 health heroes
Sombra can one clip one hero,
Genji can one clip heroes
Doomfist can one clip one hero,
Pharah can one clip three 200 heroes.
Tracer can one clip one 200 health hero.

So, why can’t Tracer one clip heroes?


Copy and paste this in any D.Va/Mercy/Sym/Moira thread. Honestly, go do it. see if anyone notices.


Not really with Lucio (check my hours) it’s more like, map sense and basically waiting for people to be stupid.

The latter happens way way way way way way way way way more than anything else in the entire game.