Tracer nerfs. Is that video for real?

Is it actually 17% well damn that’s neato
Sauce btw?

and yet she still will be the number 1 pickrate dps

17% TDO or 17% Damage Per Pellet?

The reason why they likely won’t touch the mobility is because it’s not guaranteed value; it’s potential value that only scales with player skill, and reducing skill expression violates basic principles of game design. Ask any developer and they’ll tell you, don’t nerf skill. Having said that, Blizzard does sometimes do things that more experienced developers know better than to do. :sweat_smile:

Instead, they should be giving other heroes more mobility/tools to enable more skillful counterplay. The new Cass bomb might be a step in the right direction, since it’s magnetic and will stick to elusive mobile heroes.

But I do think Blizz needs to start treating mobility as a more standard stat they fit within every hero’s power budget, due to the skill expression it facilitates. Let Ana prone and roll! Let Zen…I don’t know – ascend upward maybe? :rofl:

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It was in a Stylosa vid where he read through the latest beta patch notes today.

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Gotcha. I assume from 6 dmg to 5 then. Guess I’ll wait and see how she plays out in the beta within a week. Watching it I mean, as it’s unlikely to get in :slight_smile:


but balance is not to make any hero useless, she was very strong in the first alpha test of 5x5, then got a nerf (fairly fair since brig lost his stun), now devs need feedback on her performance.

I couldn’t care less what the best in the world play or what happens in OWL, 99% doesn’t apply or is unfeasible to play live.

in your place I would be more concerned about Sombra.

even in ow1 she is more useful and can remain in the back line almost forever, until someone contests her translocator.

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Pleasantly surprised that Tracer got any nerf whatsoever. Time will tell if it’s sufficient, or will additional changes be needed.

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Oh wow. It’s per bullet, so that’s actually a 20% nerf to DPS.

EDIT: sorry, bad math. My mind is going in a million different directions with all these videos. :joy: 17% per bullet which means 17% total DPS reduction. 200 vs 240.

no you shut up trace has ben op from ow 1 point of creation the dive meta that we had for 8 season is the base gameplay that ow 2 is going for minus one tank you have 0 clue what you’re talking about

Where did you get that number from?

Her damage wasn’t an issue. Her mobility is. And the fact that she no longer has to worry about Cree and Brig, makes it pretty much an indirect buff to her.

So maybe you should take the whole picture into the account before voicing your opinions next time.


Flats did one on all of the heroes, and showed the same nerf.

U sound genuinely surprised that they wouldn’t gut the poster child

He was a bit vague if I recall correctly? He just said “less damage”.

Stylosa killed it with his video. A great day to be an Overwatch content creator and content enjoyer as well.

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Because that’s probably all that’s needed.

Tracer wont need the same skill as before since hard stuns will be gone. She dont need to be aware of her surroundings like the old times. No mcree or brig stuns are a hard buff to her


Man , it’s just alpha


it’s anything but “slight”
200 from 240 is massive

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I have no problem with her damage , I have no problem with her bullying supports , dps and tanks , I have no problem with her mobility , just remove Pulse Bomb from the game just straight up remove it , once u r stuck that is it ur dead , u just cannot escape it , and the fact that she can come from anywhere just makes it worse

yeah let me depend on someone else who is far away from me and is busy bubbling Rien yeah cool game design

yeah this works too but how long do you think Immortality Field will stay in this game ? it will get removed at some point and even if they make it an ultimate Tracer will still get Pulse Bomb more faster so yeah just remove that thing entirely

Mobility doesn’t kill you, damage kills. And the nerf is not slight - this is keyword here, not the only word
A fly is annoying, but it is pretty much harmless, you know.
If you can not turn your camera around and aim for the given amount of time to kill you, it is not mobility issue, it is your aim issue. But when a character has both damage and mobility, here you can choose what to complain about.