"Tracer@genji mains salty because they got a hard counter"

Hog is a pretty hard winston counter.
Brig is a pretty hard hog counter.

How is this bad? Or are you just a dps main complaining about brig?

its not a hard counter tho
brig can just del tracer and genji

Winston-reaper 1v1 is easy clap for winston if he know how to play with his shield. Try it in lobby with friend.

This could be true if brig had only shield bash. Unlucky, but her E makes it impossible for genji/tracer to secure kill, aswell as her ulti.

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Doomfist literally had a hero purpose-build to hard counter him. You can say ‘oh, well, she doesn’t actually hard counter him’ all you want, but the literal 1.5 damage his bullets do against her says otherwise. Tracer and Genji mains can’t complain about Brigitte, especially when they actually have the ability to fight her… or at least plink her down.

This is true. If a Winston knows how to bubble dance, he’ll buy time to escape (or even win) vs. a Reaper easily, probably about 65-75% of the time.

Rubbish. Just don’t stand so close OR go kill someone else OR switch characters to counter (because that’s what overwatch is about).

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That isn’t true she is easily overwhelmed in 2v1’s and having more teammates if just her funeral not to mention she had more counters than just pharah you just have to have half a brain

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These are soft counters…

Spoken like a true silver.

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Pharan vs Zen, be discorded and hide or die.

Also in which universe a healer (that has really conditional healing options) should never kill a dps?

Funny, I watch some Dafran occasionally and when he’s on Tracer Hanzos keep one shotting him. I guess he must be a bad Tracer then (in case you don’t know, he’s known as one of the better Tracers out there).

Looks like “one of the best Tracer” still doesn’t stand on the same skill level of other players at his same rating, it’s more than possible since said character used to be the one dictating the outcome of a match and now she isn’t.

Brigitte hard counters bad Tracers and Genjis while being more of a check to good ones. It’s not your business to deal with her anyway. You can still outplay Brigitte if you’re good enough but this game isn’t about 1v1s.

Add to that if Brigitte decides to stay with backlines, you can try put a lot of pressure on the enemy frontlines with your frontlines. If Brigitte decides to move up to her frontlines, then you can switch to going on their backlines. This mostly works for Tracer because of her mobility, idk how genjis play around .

Agreed. They just make you play differently, so change up your play style that will give you an adavantage or an opportunity to do your job. Although it’s harder but possible. If you can’t handle, switch to your another best hero that doesn’t get affected as much by Brigitte. If you’re switching to a hero to counter Brigitte but can’t play them well, you’re hurting your team more unless you’re confident about it.

Why saebyeolbe world’s best tracer haven’t play 1 game on tracer this season?

This guy realizes that Genji and Tracer have some of the highest mobility in the game, while Brigitte has some of the lowest. Brigitte punishes overextending, flanking and bad positioning. A good Tracer/Genji will never let Brigitte close the distance so she won’t counter them (except by using repair pack on their targets)


He is rank 1 player in the world, but np D:

With a boosted hero.

Sonic arrow counters invis, and his burstiness allows him to kill her before she can translocate away or kill him. In a 1v1 Sombra v Hanzo, hanzo always has the advantage. Sombra is an easy target with no movement abilities like double jump, blink, or leap, so even if you have perfect aim, he’s going to be able to kill you first. I usually avoid him completely, just like a Genji would avoid a Brig. It’s not a just matchup of skill if he always has the advantage

Burst damage, spam damage, and stuns hard counter Sombra

Not true.

You wanna know how I can tell you absolutely haven’t done that? Because you think that what you said it true. You’re a joke.

reaper has twice as many counters as genji and tracer bot

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