good tracer never 1vs 1 fight.
good tracer only finished low hp. That’s why i feel her annoying . AT least hanzo/widow is better.
Pharmercy on console, thats beyond annoying…
5x more Pickrate on ps4 and 3x PR on xbox in GM than PC
thank you for all the replies honestly i think my answer would have changed from genji to tracer
Tracer. Hands Down.
I have terrible taste in men I know
Well you can do whatever you like with Junkrat, as long as he’s off my battlefield, lol.
Oh ho ho~! Sir yes sir! O7
None of them, Brokette is the most annoying.
And I mean it, you keep him OUT OF MY SIGHT!
Doomfist, I hate CC and I didn’t sign up to be pinballed to death. All of his abilities are oneshots, strong CC, or both. Genji is annoying, but at least he doesn’t take control away from your character.
Hands down doom fist. He can eat a …
I was doing comp with friends and there was a Tracer flanking us when we came out of spawn, so basically, we all just spent half of the game walking out of spawn and dying.
a good tracer can be annoying but Ilearned how to deal with them way before the new hanzo patch
junkrat is trash in a mid range fight
genji is the scary because of his reflect and dash
but doomfist by far is the worst
when you fight a doomfist if your by self your dead if hes any good
he has 3 ways to 1 shot you and if he hits any of them he becomes harder to kill
I would have to say JUNKRAT for sure, as the most annoying hero in Overwatch!
Of the list Junkrat for me personally… he needs like a cool-down increase on his nade spam or something… Genji, while more tolerable should not get to continuously double-jump, something even the designer admitted was basically a mistake…
Tracer and genji always and the other 2 not even close.
Junkrat. Tracer and Genji make me think “damn i need peel, i keep getting isolated”
Doomfist makes me think “damn, this guys wrecking us even with his bugs, what a god”
Doomfist is the least annoying IMO because I know that it was a good play by him and my fault for dying
But dang, I feel so helpless when I just get instantly deleted by Junkrat… Like, what was I supposed to do? There’s no time to react if he hits you