Tracer being "gay". Made me feel a certain way. Alienated

Gay people are there, they’re just hiding. And they have to hide because the people who are supposed to be making the world safer for them refuse to pay attention to the problems in non-white nations. But enough about how politics is getting massive amounts of people killed.

Basically, you should try to get over it, dude.


If that’s the card you’re going to play then i could play literally any card. Black people get killed across the world or used to, Mexicans as well, jews as well.

That card is not viable, and not a good answer.

ok? if i said i could relate to sombra if she was a white american and not mexican, it’d be racist as hell.

Basically, you have to address maybe you’ve got an issue.


I’m Mexican, and I would NOT see it as racist.

It’s ok, if for you being able to relate is Race, it’s COMPLETELY valid.

You people see everything as racist or homophobic.

So no. I don’t have the same political correctness view on things as you.

lmfao if thats your argument then ok ur just a homophobe and thats that on that.



Anita Sarkeesian wants to know your location.

Idk what to say other than: Too bad. If you can’t “relate” to Tracer anymore just move on, her sexuality isn’t gonna change and that’s just how she is.


I wouldn’t see it as being racist/sexist or anything like that unless you began to hate or despise a character because of this trait.

I would see it as more of shallow minded and only able to look at things through a fine lense or on the surface.

It’s more so, now the person can only see the part they can’t relate to and suddenly they can’t see all the other parts anymore. The field of view becomes so narrow that you forget the other part of the person exists.

We as people need to stop letting one characteristic define a whole person. We are many different parts all put together to make up this beautiful skeleton with skin clothes.

Or in the words of Shrek:



If you let people like you be people, but people not like you are completely defined by that one thing, then that is definitely one of the “isms.” You are discriminatory in your worldview of them based purely on some immutable trait.

There are different degrees of it, of course. It’s possible to only be a tiny bit racist or a only a little homophobic. It doesn’t mean you wish them harm or welcome laws designed to hurt them. In fact many people carry some unconcious biases, especially against populations they don’t interact with often. But many of them aren’t extremely hateful either. They just need more positive interactions or to challenge those biases.
Regardless, you do have some form of discrimination against them in your mind.


I agree that there is a huge gray area when it comes to the severity of “isms”. Especially when people are so set in their past ways and not really wanting to change.

It’s the area of “being racist and not meaning to be” vs “being racist but, not being able to acknowledge it’s what you really are”.

If someone is being racist and doesn’t mean to be or want to be racist, sure they can be doing racist things but, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are racist. It means they need to be educated one what they are doing and what needs to change in their behavior or actions.

If they don’t mean to be and are willing to change to improve themselves, I don’t see that as racist.

That’s different from someone with racist views who refuses to believe he is racist and won’t change their ways.

However, at first glance, it would be easy to call the first person flat out racist. Not because they are but, because you or I didn’t take the time to learn their intentions or that it may be a mistake or note.

A lot of people drop the “ism” card on a person because it’s easy to do. That doesn’t mean it’s true or was the intent. In fact, that makes us very discriminatory ourselves.

(I know, I just went way beyond what this specific thread is)

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well while a thought provoking subject there’s also the idea that the phrase itself can be built on an ism, or an action can be an ism. When I was a kid I didn’t know what gay meant beside stupid, and so I called all sorts of things gay. When in my 6th grade some boy got bullied for being gay i didn’t put it together what that meant, however, it was still homophobic bullying, and even if I didn’t understand it doesn’t extricate me from having engaged in homophobia. I learned, of course- hell, I’m a lesbian myself- but my past actions and words in this case were homophobic. It all matters on how you learn from it. Intentions don’t always matter. The person affected doesn’t owe the person saying or doing these things the time to determine intentions.


I agree and disagree. I think that is the difference between being a “ist” and doing or saying an “ism” belief or action. And with the latter the intent matters much less than the impact. It’s not that it’s completely irrelevant because forgiveness and social consequences for that person are a thing. But it doesn’t change the nature of the act itself.

The “ism” card is deserved on both people’s actions because their impact on the people they are holding these beliefs against is the same. And accidentally or not does not undo that damage.

But just because you did an action that was "ist doesn’t mean you as a person is one. What matters is whether you are willing to work on these unconscious biases when confronted with them (and we all have something, imo) and why they are harmful, whether or not you care about the impact it has on others, etc.

And yeah kind of beyond the scope of this thread so I will let it go at that.

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Again i’d love to continue discussing this in my discord with you

but you’re just triggered cause i said how it made me feel.
And no idc if a random person in the internet calls me homophobe. I stand my opinion.

You’re welcome to argue in my discord but right now you’re just dropping the Homophobe card if someone disagrees or feels a certain way towards a character’s sexuality.

I mean, seeing as both responses agreed with what I said and lined up, just rewording it with a little extra context in different areas, I’m glad we could all come to the same conclusion. We can just leave it there.

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I didn’t quite understand your point. English isn’t my first language maybe that’s why even if I understand perfectly most of the time I think i missed the point.

But if they agree i suppose it’s quite honest and good.

“I stopped relating to a character exclusively because they’re gay” :confused: is a homophobic statement, because it means you no longer think they’re the same person exclusively over who they’re attracted to. you no longer think they’re an equal. Saying you can not relate to someone bc of sexuality or race is a BIG YIKES homie.


Yup. As I said before, if my waifu Pharah turned out to be written as straight, I wouldn’t love her any less, and I wouldn’t feel like I could no longer relate to her. I certainly wouldn’t internalize it to make me feel alienated.

OP, in situations like these the LAST conclusion I will come to is predjudice, because I feel very often people are very quick to call some things “homophobic.” And I am definitely am NOT a feminist. But honestly, these reasons you are giving… I can’t see any other reason than you have a prejudice you’re not aware of yourself. Because the reasons you are giving, I am understanding them clearly, and they are prejudiced. I’m not “twisting” anything, you already said everything yourself. I’m calling a spade a spade. Now, whether you accept responsibility for that or not, I could not care in the slightest. Your choice. But don’t try to play mental gymnastics with me and expect me not to call you out on it.

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you’re quoting a ghost there mate, I never said it like that.

but yea, sexuality is a trait I don’t relate to.
I still like her character i just don’t relate to it anymore?
Why does that make a homophobic?

It doesn’t. It doesn’t just involve the other person, it also involves me and what I LIKE, she is not as similar as i thought she was to me. It’s just my opinion? how does this make me a homophobic and saying i no longer see her as an equal is clearly saying it worse than what i actually said and meant.

Now that is a YIKES for me.
Idc if you say it’s homophobic cause it isn’t.

AND AGAIN, I INSIST, we should discuss this on discord cause we will just be going back and forth for something that is not like that.

She likes girls.
I don’t.
We don’t share that element.

I can not relate to her on that.
It doesn’t make me a homophobe just like if you said you can’t relate to a straight character isn’t hateful.

It’s just how it makes you feel.
If you are small, you can’t relate to a tall person.
Does that make me a bad person? Nope.

I’d gladly continue to debate this with you on discord, but im tired of you calling me homophobe when i’m clearly not being homophobic.

just because she’s gay doesn’t mean you can’t relate to her personality or style. Stop pretending a person is their sexual orientation,


Dude chill, i just said it’s another trait. Im not saying she is only her sexual orientation. It’s just in her personality it’s who she is. Why is it wrong for me to not identify with her? should i identify or otherwise im homophobic? nope.

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