Tracer and Genji stay trash?

If he can easily escape then he was neither out of position nor making a mistake. Never did I say easily and more of just a point of how rediculous his mobility is
Spend 10 hours on mccree or ana where you actually have to do all the things you’re talking about well and you’re going to understand why the mobility is such a big deal.

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You’re missing the point. If Genji is in a position where he can get called out and turned on but still get back to his team without peel, then he wasn’t out of position to begin with.

McCree and Ana also don’t have to position in the crossfire to get value, hence why them lacking mobility doesn’t make them ‘harder’, it just makes them different.

Mobility really doesn’t make a difference. Orisa has less mobility than Winston, this doesn’t mean she’s a harder character.

If McCree and Ana had to be positioned in the crossfire without mobility to get value out of their kit then you might have a point, but they don’t so obviously you do not.

Especially in the case of Ana you can sit back as far as possible and get value (Zenyatta too to an extent), thus she doesn’t need mobility. On maps like Horizon you can just nade yourself and back into spawn if you miss the sleep dart.


lol, buff 2 heroes that absolutely don’t need it? no thanks.


Uh, they are the most op 2 dps’. Seriously, go into a match and Genji is in every single of them, and Tracer is about in 75% of them.

And don’t tell me goats, they only exist in owl, but in a regular competetive it’s almost throwing.


GOATS most certainly exists outside of OWL and Genji definitely isn’t in every match. Tracer is in nowhere near 75% of games either.

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Well we can see the stats. In Diamond, Genji has his highest competitive pick rate at roughly 6.5%. Tracer has her highest pick rate in Masters where her pickrate is 2.7% By my maths, this puts Genji in just under 40% of all matches and Tracer in 16% of all matches at those levels.

These are based on the current overbuff stats, so take them with a grain of salt, but I reckon those numbers are representative of their use.

As to their usability however, Genji is in the middle of the cast, but Tracer is in the bottom 3 of all heroes in the game Bronze through Diamond, and is in the bottom 6th and bottom 7th in Masters and Grandmasters. I might just highlight, this isn’t in her role, this is out of ALL heroes in the game. She’s in a terrible place and clearly is incapable of fulfilling her role, regardless of how mechanically capable players are at ALL levels of play.

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Widow will be picked over Genji.

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They are in a very good spot. They don’t need a buff.

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Support main? Otherwise I have no idea how you can say this.

This guy gets it.


No, i main Pharah and Symmetra
Sorry for not being smart like you… :roll_eyes:

It’s fine, I don’t blame you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, there is a lot of confirmation bias on these forums, so I’m not exactly ragging on you. It’s just that people’s hero pool usually forms their perspectives on how usable a hero is. Check http_s:// and sort by win rate, it tells a pretty grim tale for Tracer’s viability in the game at the moment.

Both heroes are quite balanced, IMO. Yeah, the meta isn’t doing too much for them, but that doesn’t mean they’re in a bad spot, both are still very strong in the right hands.


Exactly! We can’t possibly make Tracer remotely viable since you lack the skill to counter her! This game NEEDS to be balanced around your inability to git gud.


Genji is fine and still doing great on ladder. But Tracer is objectively a bad character right now. She mathematically does not have the damage output to be consistently viable against the burst healing now present in the game—at any tier of play. This is on top of the fact that virtually every character but her has become more powerful since launch.

It’s okay for heroes to be situational like this, but it is not okay for a hero to be highly situational when that hero requires 500+ hours to play effectively. I honestly don’t see Tracer being a good pick at any rank without a buff to her or a nerf to all burst healing. A decrease in her reload time might be a good start.

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No, i play tracer and no.

There are many heroes other than Tracer who need more… immediate changes.

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This alone proves how little actual education is backing this post…

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Can pulse bomb be reverted back to it’s old damage though, please?

Think about it: her ult can’t even kill Bastion. BASTION.

IT’S AN ULT! I know good tracers are annoying, but her ult is weak.

Edited: Removed inappropriate context - Forum Mod

Then how about that winrate?

You want to see a dps in a bad place, look at Pharah or Solider.

Pharah should be a god in Goats with no snipers and only Ana to shoot her. Instead she’s one of the least picked dps. In a meta that favors her. Take your crocodile tears elsewhere.

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It’s not crocodile tears, I’m simply pointing out that Genji isn’t as good as people think.

He’s playable, but he isn’t optimal.

D.Va & Zenyatta are more than enough to deal with a Pharah in GOATS, even then spamming shield gives little value as your team gets rolled, just as Genji gets little value against GOATS without Ana or Sombra to set up his blade, you’re better off just picking a GOATS hero (or Sombra herself).

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