Toxicity is worse than ever

Those are pre-LFG numbers and their validity is now questionable.

Idiots. 23 is actually pretty young.

I hate people like that.

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Hmm i see i see :thinking: fair enough

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Your generation did not invent competitive video gaming.

Well before your generation there was competitive gaming and tournaments. Consoles were a thriving market and ecosystem before you were born. Before consoles, arcades sponsored in house tournaments too.

The advantage of competing with gamers in the same room with you was that if you talked trash to them during a match and took it too far, after the match you stood a good chance of getting slapped around for it when you left the arcade.

Toxicity at those competitions was minimal because there was no delusion of anonymity where some 12 year old could make all the racist/sexist/threatening speech they wanted in game and get away with no consequences.

Your generation did not invent competitive gaming. But your generation contributed a lot of trash talk to it.

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i’ve been saying that from the start. There are people who use the system simply because it is there. Take away the xp reward and people will still use it, only now they won’t feel mandated to so they won’t endorse the toxic players.

I just had a match in comp where the enemy was a 6 stack deranking from gold to <500. They kept us in or near our spawn the entire time and never moved the payload. a member of my team who had already endorsed our whole team, gave endorsements to them.

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I swear, these imbecilic morons are the type of people who would keep their mouths shut when someone like you meets them irl. LOL. It’s just lame how people like to harass someone because they are “too old to play”.

They’re the “fing losers” here, not you.

While the patch was much needed for the game I will say the same cancerous gameplay exists. And I just started comp and it’s terrible.

  • Hanzo is still grossly OPed

  • Brid is still grossly OPed

  • Rein is still very broken

  • Toxicity still remains while it’s less than before when it does happen it’s very extreme and rampant. Most players really don’t care for endorsements.

  • Oddly, people seem to think that the endorsement system equals skill, not sure why.

  • People who are clearly fake trying to get endorsements to end up getting annoying and make the game more stressful, at least for me.

  • The new Sym is rather fun and a breath of fresh air for the game but nothing really groundbreaking.

This is my take on OW as of right now hopefully the next patch will make things different. And this is the root of the toxicity.

Why should anyone endorse a toxic player for a spit of exp? I do it regardless of the exp, and if i had a bad game, i endorse nobody. You don’t have to endorse. And the exp gain is pretty low.

But i love seeing The some players of the match had e good experience playing with me. Which keeps the motivation to stay nice and play fair
(killing the enemy = fair, beeing rude or throwing is not. And in comp. Beeing not unflexibel to play together as a team, i consider it throwing. Not if you are not playing a hero we need and you are unable to play.
Had junkertown last time as defense, and they came at us with pirate ship. I couldn’t hook bastion as roadhog (bc I suck at tank) and swapped to tracer after we lost 2 points.
The other tank swapped then to roadhog and played way better than me + i was able to contribute on a better hero.
So we managed to hold thirt point.

I also don’t give endorsement, just bc he plays mercy. If he plays in favor of the team, i endorse anyone regardless of the hero. E.g. Torb thats not throwing doesn’t get endorsement from me. But if he tries hard to give anyone armor, calls when he has molten core and contributes a lot. (gives a good gameplay experience) i give my vote(s) to the players that had the most positive effect on my experience.

I don’t blame them. You questioned why no one was communicating in QUICK PLAY. Go play comp my G. No one tries in quick play. People just wanna play whatever they want, and it cleans up competitive. I mean, they shouldn’t have said “kys” but I’d expect that if I told someone to communicate in Qp.

I’m flamed, insulted and diminished by my teammates (usually a premade) in almost all of my games on my smurf account because I choose to play Doomfist most of the time (I just really enjoy the character) even if I have all the medals often.

I even got a warning for Gameplay Sabotage :man_shrugging:

I try to talk at first, if it doesn’t work I just report/block. Sometimes I just hide all chats and don’t join vocal to play in peace. Not much else to do.

I am the same way. my first match with a group I usually give out all 3 endorsements, but the second match I might give out 1 or 2. If you’re not contributing to a good and positive game, you won’t get my endorsement. Unfortunately, some people are like drug addicts, they will do anything for 50 xp.

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My personal experience with the game has been the complete opposite since the update. I have found almost no toxicity to the point that i question reality rofl, i can’t believe how much has this issue been improved by these systems, the levels of toxicity are so low that they are almost non existent, it’s like an entirely different community its almost unreal.


I’m so sorry you went through that. But how old were these people to think you’re a “grown man”? News flash, there’s no age where someone suddenly thinks “alright I’m too old for this, time to quit!” You like what you like for as long as you like it, and in my experience people don’t grow out of video games. I’m a 36 yo woman and I don’t plan to quit playing as long as there are games that interest me. I know what it’s like to have depression, I have bipolar depression myself, but these people were obviously very immature. Keep in mind you’re above that, better than that, no matter how you might feel you are better than those brats. Age has nothing to do with it. It’s all about being a good person.

Take care of yourself and I wish you all the best in the future. :slightly_smiling_face:

That has been my experience as well. It feels so positive that it might as well be the summer of 2016 again. Everybody seems friendly and happy.

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