Toxic community hiding evidence of fixed competitive matches

im leaving EU server

At this point I’ve coached Silver, Gold, and platinum scrim teams. Being primarily a DPS coach (with experience on tank) you’d be surprised how much overlap in mistakes people make.

Lol… I recently kicked a Genji OTP off the gold scrim team because he made it pretty clear he has no interest in anything beyond flashy nano blades.

Honestly Win Conditions are less important until at least plat. Just being able to pop off or clean up when your main/off tank make a huge play is enough.

That’s the one thing I tell everyone who “wants to climb.” Why do you want to climb? You get a decently competitive experience in high gold/low plat.

The higher you climb, the faster the games get, the more quickly you are punished for bad play, and the fewer mistakes you’re allowed to get away with.

Generally when you see all 6 accounts throwing while being controlled by one person, that person didn’t spend money to obtain those accounts. They’re being paid to derank the accounts.

As much as I detest your (I’m better than my rank) complaining, I do honestly sympathize with you. When I was climbing out of Bronze, I remember the smurfing crews that would literally wreck your whole team all game long until the last 30 seconds when they’d all mysteriously disappear and let you win the game.

Personally I detest smurfing and give everyone I know (a couple masters and GM players who like to) an ear full. I’ve even been matched up against my coach and his friends (all GM players) climbing through diamond on brand new accounts.

To be fair in that case being able to pop off/clean up is your win condition. In a vague sense, if you have a playmaker on your team with you supporting them/cleaning up is your win condition, if you don’t then popping off is your win condition.

So why doesnt blizzard just charge for an account reset like other online games do?

if blizzard start preventing derankers without going through an official process of 1, buying a second account, or 2, paying for an account reset. everything be fine.

how to prevent deranker? up to certain rank judge player performance in match individually, and not on team performance.

Because that would encourage deranking???

Account resets don’t have any place in the game.

If someone wanted to derank to troll or smurf they won’t go through any “official way to do it” they’ll just do it as they do now.

All that rewarding SR based purely on performance does is encourage people to hunt/pad their own stats, often at the detriment of their own team’s ability to win. Stat/medal hunting is already a big reason why a lot of low ranked players don’t win but they aren’t shown that because all they ever see is “me get big numbers.”

Stats are meaningless if you can’t win in the process. There’s a reason the term “empty stats” exist in most major sports. It doesn’t matter how much damage or healing you do in meaningless situations (either between fights, once a fight is already lost and you need to be retreating, when you’re trickling, or even just damage that isn’t enough to create a kill) what matters is if you’re actually coming through in the key situations and creating momentum/keeping it. It doesn’t matter if you get 3 kills in one fight when you stand completely still and do nothing to stop the Mccree who uses deadeye right in front of you and wipes the team. It doesn’t matter if you’re “getting gold heals” if the fight is already lost and you’re just feeding the opponents ult charge.

Good stats don’t show if you actually tried to win or coordinate with your team. If you’re constantly getting big numbers but never winning then there’s something else wrong with either your awareness or your timing. I can go in and farm stats all I want going in 1v6 to farm damage by getting a kill or two when they’re completely meaningless or farm big healing stats by only hard healing my tanks (especially in a losing fight, effectively feeding the other team more ult charge while accomplishing little for my team) just to say “I get big numbers why we lose?”

Yes derankers/smurfs/leavers/hackers will cause you to lose the occasional game you may have otherwise won, but they will also cause you to win the occasional game you may have otherwise lost. That and PBSR increasing SR gains and decreasing SR losses if you actually perform well help get you where you should be. In the end you are the only person that is in every one of your games unless you consistently duo or team up with the same people. Take responsibility for your play, focus on yourself and don’t look for scapegoats every time something goes wrong. Chances are, every time you lose, someone on your team is also blaming you for the loss. There’s always something you could have done better or differently to make a win more likely. Unless you always play perfectly, which is impossible.

Big up to this thread. Match fixing is not a ‘conspiracy theory,’ it’s Blizzard’s explicit policy. More info in my thread about MMR which is a handicapping system:

What a load of trash

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Please explain your position instead of just reaching the minimum character requirement

No, I don’t think I will. My sanity dropped too much from engaging with clear trolls such as yourself long ago. I’ll tell you you’re wrong (because you are), I’m not going to try to hold a conversation with a brick wall however.

Spam bumping your thread that was quite honestly obsolete the moment it was posted is -quite honestly- trash.

No explanation necessary.


end of day blizzard cant allow its playerbase to fall into the hands of private individuals, since there is such a high demand for deranking service, allowing their playerbase to surf the web to find somebody to derank their account which involves giving out credentials of that account to an unauthorized or unaccountable third party just to risk their account being banned, just so they can play at a lower rank is a dangerous pirate-like economy to have associated with your product.

I think you’ve got it backwards. Most people aren’t giving their account to someone to derank it for them. They’re buying fresh accounts that were pre-leveled and thrown for them if anything. The only people giving their accounts to someone else are people giving their accounts to someone to boost them to a higher rank, and even then they usually just duo or group with the person boosting them.

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I don’t think you understand the level of power Blizz has

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I’ll confirm that! Every time I get to 1000 SR, it’s almost as if I have to go against teams that are optimized…organized…and know A LOT MORE than they should in Bronze. I may be wrong…but it just seemed that way - and that’s when I started to pay more attention to what I’m doing and how I’m playing (this situation is the reason I’m actually able to perform better than previously…because I don’t like being bested like that over silly mistakes I’m making).

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  1. the community would be safer with an official deranking service.

  2. the ability to self-derank via throwing of game, inactivity in game, or solo playing should be made impossible below certain rank. ( this means that if somebody that is of a sizeable rank, where team composition is a must within this rank; it would mean that SR in this rank is based on your teams overall performance(as is the current method), and not your solo contribution , while lower ranks than the explicitly referenced rank, would have player performance and progression to the explicity referenced rank be defined on an individual basis. This would involve being the best on your team, consistently, allowing you to grow through a set number of ranks, before your rank can only increase by a factor of your teams overall performance.

Here, you have a matchmaking system, and a system of progression which works for all players, and a service that allows high ranking players to replay this system in order to revalidate their true rank position. While also introducing a new mecahnism, that is not loot box related, and cannot be associated with gambling mechanics; in which for Blizzard to continue funding, and profitting from this product; for years to come.

Calling it a “deranking service” would make it totally nonviable. What you’re really suggesting is MMR resetting or changing the MMR curve to start at the bottom instead of being in the middle of Gold.

people sell deranked accounts for a profit. some smurfs would rather purchase a bronze account than start a new one, level it to 25 to get into comp, then spend more time throwing down to bronze. I like to play a hero with some sort of boop when i’m vs those bots, and drag them on to the point to make them win (if the rest of the team is willing to go along with it)

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yeah this is the issue, its a black market for poor ranking accounts. There is no logic to that statement. If you think about it. A black market for an account that somebody who use to play overwatch has. There is a buyer demand to purchase a low ranking account.

I don’t know about you, but i am not 5 years old. For me to believe that there is a black market for low ranking accounts is absolutely ridiculous.

Where can i sell my account?

If there was real valuable non-scam related profit in this; surely any real company with actual business sense would just go. No no no. you are not buying second hand accounts on the black market when we offer you the service of a full account reset for half the price.

the delusions you are all trying to make me believe are far more ridiculous than any conspiracy I have suggested in the past.

They are not delusions, people buy preleveled and prethrown accounts just like they buy boosts. They don’t do it for good reasons. They do it to smurf, to troll, or even just to do the stupid “bronze to gm” challenges. They don’t want to spend the time leveling an account to 25 or spend their time throwing it to bronze when someone else will do it for them if they pay for it.

There is no world in which anyone other than “plats stuck in bronze” would purchase these “account resets”. Resets in any form do not belong in the game and thankfully never will. The people deranking accounts don’t want a “reset” they want a bronze account so they buy one that someone made and threw for the specific purpose of selling it.

Look for it, there are definitely sites for you to sell it on.

It exists but the market is not people who “used to play overwatch” it’s people creating new accounts and leveling them to 25 and throwing them to bronze so whoever wants a bronze account can get it without having to spend time to level and derank it. It’s a scummy service but denying its existence won’t make it go away.

this type of business transaction will be the end of capitalism, and will justify the conscription of man and woman, into a new world war.

Glad to see you’re showing your true colors of trolling. People who want to troll, smurf or just want a bronze account for any stupid reason, create a demand, people buying, leveling and deranking new accounts (whether manually or with bots) create the supply. Take an econ course sometime.