Total Mayhem Permanent, Please!

Total Mayhem is not a permanent arcade mode, please make it so. Or I swear I will do everything in my power to free up a slot on the mode just for total mayhem to be on all year long, whatever it takes. You people have the ability to do so, much like the heroes in the arcade mode.
Satisfy the people and let there be mayhem, I beg to all members in Blizzard Entertainment. Heed my complaint. My message, my call for desperate help.

Seriously, Total Mayhem has taken my depression, cured it, and put it in unison of anger towards blizzard’s lack of connection with the community, it’s time to at least I start paying the favor to make it accessible every day even during overwatch seasonal events, so the concept of a Total Mayhem drought will cease to exist when I’m done. To me, Mayhem is HOW Overwatch SHOULD be. Waiting more than 7 seconds when you and your entire team is about to die in the process, when in Total Mayhem you’re able to adapt and avoid, and prevent that danger IS HOW THE GAME SHOULD BE. THAT’S REAL COMPETITION, AND IT IS GENUINE FUN: MAYHEM REWARDS COMMUNICATION AND EXPERIENCE. Fast action packed sequences, everything feels so easier
and rewards that fast quick deciding choices being able to save your team, communication is key and Total Mayhem promotes just that on a more rewarding level and much more frequently.

Overwatch is a hero game and Total Mayhem allows you more chances to be reliable and save your team or sacrifice yourself for trying. You are tougher, you deal more responsibility with how frequent your abilities reload, and that is more important than just nerfs or buffs or whatever, seek what’s the most fun, out-of-the-box ideas, and Total Mayhem allows you to be just that creative and rewards listening to your teammates significantly more and planning more strategically. Better yet, able to execute multiple plans at once now that you can rely on yourself more, and that chance of banding with one of your teammates to target, take care of a factor that would be handicapping your team. Target the sombra and your problems will disappear, target the healers and the pyramid of stability that is the team, what is now a stack of cards you have just made an opening window of making it fall down. Take care of the tanks first indicates their team is improper and rewards switching for higher chances of victory. You are more responsible and reliable to defend your teammates incredibly Actual reliable coordination involved.

Total Mayhem is the real lore of Overwatch, just, barely any one knows about it and nobody gets the chance to learn the mode to its full potential. And rewards looking into the depth, lore of the game, of being a real hero.
Well, besides the hardcore Total Mayhemers; but even then, imagine the competitive mode with greater popularity, it would be a real war, genuine actual Chaos.

But hey, like the mode and game itself, and literally every other significant task, I really can’t win this fight alone, so please, do the right thing and make Total Mayhem a permanent mode. The Yearly multiple Overwatch Events turns the Arcade Mode into a Total Mayhem drought, and we feel terrible, miserable, and for myself, depressed, not being able to talk to my friends as well and the lack of fun in other games makes my whole situation in the cold deep end because having to brace myself for a Total Mayhem drought is one of the roughest emotional hibernations I have to go through in the events. As I said above top on the post. Please, spare that 1 free slot for Total Mayhem and let the chaotic fun flow. Please

Listen, Blizzard Entertainment.



As a long time Mayhem fanatic, I like this guy’s enthusiasm.
I know that history and evidence suggest we’ll never get Mayhem as a permanent mode. The devs simply aren’t interested, and with OW2 coming, they certainly don’t care enough about Arcade to give the algorithm a thorough makeover to make people happy.

(I’ve proposed a way to rotate through all the Arcade modes with a reasonable number of slots on a predictable schedule more than once.)

I’d honestly settle for Mayhem on a consistent, permanently predictable schedule, especially during events, the periods during which we usually get screwed over the hardest.


Bad idea, the mod is too unbalanced and frequent play on it will get boring very quickly.

The victory of the attackers on this mode is a miracle.

True. Mayhem is unbalanced, always has been, and always will. Because the devs refuse to do anything about it. The ONLY changes ever made to characters in Mayhem were to prevent literal gamebreaking issues like Ana’s sleep dart and Baptiste’s field from being overwhelmingly abusive.

It’s a mode where some characters have WAY too much impact (Winston, Doom, Ball, Sombra) and some are almost laughably useless (Tracer, Widow, Genji). In Mayhem, you learn to play with, around, or adjust to these changes.

But I assure you, fans of the mode do not get bored by it, any more than people who claim Misery–er Mystery Heroes is their favorite, or people who play the 16 forms of Deathmatch. Because for us, Mayhem is the extreme sports version of Overwatch–a constant adrenaline rush, a chaotic mess, and we love it.


I don’t care, they can expand on the mode where it’s fun for all classes, and not so a class widowmaker isn’t so left out. The damage class are the most reliable “take-care-of-your-team and make awesome plays doing” class, the mode promotes healing to said damage class which promotes the team’s strength and promotes limiting the weaknesses of such clases. Playing Roadhog you are able to be the chad hog bully of the enemy team but you aren’t able to push deep enough, not op enough to take them out on your own, but in Total Mayhem, you have a friend along by your side, you’re able to feel much more invincible while trying to either make room for the payload, or get them off. Whatever the case, your tanks are the desirable, indestructible, hulks of metal and flesh and shielding. Not to the point of being overpowered but to be fighting with your team as one, more epic and action packed than any of other mode in overwatch, and it satisfied my depression knowing I can rely on myself to protect other teammates, as well as every other class providing their own form protection or damage prevention protection. Even a Widowmaker can be a reliable utility for her team by gaining her ult quick enough to keep your team alerted of a potential sombra planning with her to score a match-winning performance, which is frequent and more rewarding. But with the widowmaker’s ult or hanzo’s frequent recon arrows, her team is able to target any of the planners and save themselves from a mindcrushing defeat, especially during moments deep inside overtime where it can last as much each player’s wits are stretched to the limit as well as their knowledge and experience with said class and how to keep the enemy off or away from the map objective, whilst partaking in any independent operations with one of your teammates to support the fight to throughout all the maps I’ve played, on the payload.
That is Total Mayhem.
But some more maps and objective modes would be nice

Now however, the average widowmaker is not as reliable as say, junkrat where he doesn’t have to aim much as just as part of his character, literally blowing everything up, or, Torbjorn: where his turret can either finish off low enemies or assist its teammates in the battle for the payload; as that is the only map type we get in Total Mayhem. Widowmaker and the rest of the snipers feels recon focused if you ever need that on a literal battle of wits.
For some players they cannot provide that reliable aiming and DPS from like a turret or bastion, but the Omnic classes require a lot of attention and care from the rest of the team to win. The Overwatch classes are encouraged to assist eachother more than say talon/blackwatch characters which they can handle independent operations, doesn’t mean none of the rest of the characters can’t pull off their own separate strategies. Junkrat and Roadhog duo can pull of a lot of creative uses with their availability of abilities as well with as a lot of the BOOPing heroes.

In Total Mayhem and this goes for every class, (besides say Winston where you don’t have to aim and be an actual Monke/Ape and jump over people’s heads and taxing simultaneously), you have to intensely concetrate on aiming and devout your resources on whoever your teammates are collectively targeting, being more of a benefit for your team as well just spamming gunfire and abilities intensely, but you would have to pierce through the constant, reliable shielding and protection from the Tanks, kept up by the backs of support and healing in a quicker, fun way, while offering intense moments in your way to winning, as well offering trench-warfare style strategies or special operations esq. gameplay. Offering a coordinated branch-off of the team to take care of nuisances holding your team back.

Total Mayhem is the highest peak of fun and intense moments, at least with your friends or teammates that knows how the mode goes and is able to use, as I said, your abilities more often, and as well as more intense fighting if two teams are able to keep up their roles and effective placement. And the requirements for winning can be stretched to 3 healers, or 3 tanks, or 3 dps, and you can still pull it off as long everyone knows the hero they’re playing. However the 2-2-2 is still encouraged for more reliable gameplay, but can be slow and intense, rather compared high risk-high reward compositions where one team is able to blitz through. Of course you’re able to blitz through even with 2 2 2 if each player knows or listening on callouts on who to target, when to target, and when to strike the finishing blow and at some cases, win your hard-earned match, just like that.


To me, Mayhem is HOW Overwatch SHOULD be

+1 I agree 100%. This game was unbearable until I found out about mayhem. Mayhem is de-prioritized in arcade, and it’s unfair to players who only play this mode.

My mouse moves more, I try harder, scuffles last longer, laughter ensues. It’s a higher-energy mode. Regular OW, getting grazed by a bullet and instantly dying isn’t fun. It’s competitively toxic.

6-stacks roam the landscape and bump into each-other with great fun.

Sharing my thoughts on Mayhem from before. OW Dev Teams Hate Total Mayhem - #14 by crawsome-1904

(TL;DR I want it to be permanent, and it’s the only reason I launch the game.)

This mode is more than just a mode, it’s a reason for a giant community of TM-ers (1000+ community of TM-ers) to play together. We all believe the game is better-played with the wiggle room Mayhem gives. We got used to the mayhem meta, and we mostly like it that way.

Custom games are no substitute because there’s no queuing.

Add Mystery Heroes / Mayhem / No Limits / quick play classic as permanent “casual” modes, and make Arcade even more wacky / shuffle all those modes I don’t play all you want.


Why care so much about an arcade mode’s balance? It’s not competitive.

Oh but it can be competitive, and it would often feel like Overwatch just went into a real war and you are in a battle of nations if you are pared in a stack with your friends. Or teammates who would be encouraged to communicate if they would know even common experience with the mode. In the end, win or lose, there’s moments to be had in a well, long good fight of a match. Winning feels more deserved that way.

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Mayhem is my friend group’s favorite mode as well, so I will agree that it’s frustrating having Total Mayhem taken away for a second Elimination or DM mode.

Also I believe that Low Gravity should be retired to the workshop, it’s very outdated.


Laughs in repetitive FFA/deathmatch modes

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I can name dozens of people who show up the second Mayhem is on, and who wring every last second they can out of it, just from my immediate circle of friends and acquaintances. Dozens more names I recognize as frequent foes and teammates. We have our own dedicated Discord server with hundreds of people just waiting for the call to action. I don’t think I’ve ever waited more than a few minutes for a match and that’s during the most off-peak of times.

“Attack never wins” is a myth perpetuated by those who don’t understand how to counter and work as a team in Mayhem.

Simply put, while YOU might not like it, it still appeals to a diehard community.


Honestly it feels like Total Mayhem’s had an undeserved bad rap for years, even after they got rid of the player kicking sleep dart. I would definitely enjoy it if this mode were on more often, but if it wasn’t I just wouldn’t play overwatch. If this game was F2P I wouldn’t mind, but I’ve put money into this game, and I’d like to not be cast to the side on the basis that allowing me to play the game in the modes I prefer somehow makes the overall experience worse.

Seriously I can go boot up TF2 right now and queue for Territory control on hydro right now if I wanted. You can’t tell me that splitting the bucket for map choice or even just more arcade mode choices would do anything to hurt the game.


I’ve never gotten tired of playing Total Meyhem, and I don’t think I ever will. I hope the mode stays for OW2, as it has been the ONLY reason why I have stuck around with this game for so long.


I’m curious to see what’s going to happen. 5v5 and tank changes will have a pretty massive impact on how the game mode is played.

Are they going to restrict teams to one tank per team? Or just let people actually pick multiple and turn every match into a stall fest of like 3 tanks 2 healers and nothing ever dies? Barriers and the massive amount of stalling and sustain in mayhem can already be pretty unbearable…

I do hope they keep a 1.0 skew of the game for mayhem to stay alive. Otherwise someone really will have to figure out how to mod overwatch just to keep these old game modes accessible.

I played a little total mayhem but were fun and tense for sure. I wouldn’t mind to having more available arcade modes to play if they can make it pleasing to go through it. Like creating Classic, Competitive, Curation categories and put those modes on their “groups”.

I dunno about visibility of several modes being on arcade but they could improve also the treatment of game browser. Make some kind of curation about really well done modes on game browser becoming arcade modes too. Creating something like “how/popular” trends on modes like happens on gamebrowser being validated and checked if are worth to become arcade modes. I believe that most of the folks would be pleased with that kind of system.

I’m sure Blizz are shaking in their boots rn… :frowning:

Total Mayhem is the least fun gamemode I’ve ever played in my life to be honest. I know the point of the game is in it’s name but several characters make it extremely unfun to play, as well as the extremely toxic attitude of many people that play it.

A scenario I see happen a lot is one team will start with Sombra, then when the other team gets sick of being constantly hacked, they also get a Sombra, but the team that started with the Sombra will get mad and flame in chat like “Imagine picking Sombra lol no skill” and “wow sombra really?”, and teabag the Sombra every time they die. When they literally have one.

Every once in a while I’ll give it another try and it’s always exactly the same.

ID say just let no limits and total mayhem share one tile that keeps rotating each day. Normal id add low gravity but i haven’t seen that one in a very long time.

Total Mayhem: Wombo Combo simulator
Mystery Heroes: Play characters you suck at
Low Gravity: Enjoy getting knocked out of the sky

I think all the game modes should be available all the time. Pick your poison.

At this late stage in OW1, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to enjoy the game however you want to.