Toronto Defiant vs. Paris Eternal - NOW LIVE

Yeah, I’m not a fan of the yellow accents to the outfit. I think a full monochrome look would be nicer. :man_shrugging:

I bought Baptiste and Ashe, but actually been really lucky in spite of being away for half the event I’m only short McCree and Junkrat’s now.

Dang, I never buy any skins (except Zen’s) until the day before the event’s about to end. Too darn expensive.

i havent gotten any skins bc i only played once a couple days ago bc i dont play the game as much anymore

I’ll play more when the workshop is on live servers. I will grind out credits like crazy playing Gun Game.

Announcers legit angry at Eternal layering ults…

ah i see you are a man of culture as well. ive wanted a proper gun game mode in overwatch for the longest time

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I always get stuck on Lucio. :frowning:

heres a word or two of cosmic truth from Uber Sensei for Paris Chickens

oh did someone make gun game on ptr?

Yeah, they got Gun Game up and running in hours.

Blizzard made an official version for the Arcade called Hero Gauntlet.

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its like since day1 of workshop… also devs called it ‘hero gauntlet’

i havent touched the game in months (save the other day) let alone the ptr of all things

The Blizzard version has Torb as the final hero, but he can only use his hammer. :rofl:

Anybody got a clip of that C9 from earlier?

Greyy has been having a bad day.

Didn’t they just benched Benbest for LHCloudy tho? How unlucky you have to be to have 2 bad main tanks…

You don’t have to be unlucky, you just have to have bad personnel decisions.

Okay I’m back, and I see it’s 3-0 Toronto. How close has it been?

Well how close would you consider it when one team C9s the point?