Toronto Defiant vs. Boston Uprising - FINAL

Yes that was me waving the thunder sticks like crazy

No not like I’m shocked wat,

wat do you mean?

I mean him being not boring in the slightest, by being the Path to Pro speedrunner and dropping the surprise fluent English on everybody. So he’s bumping Toronto up from being the most boring team


Always endlessly great to watch League level players mess up basic grapples

Hold up?
Are those Dps’ers?
Is that a Roadhog?

Could it be? Could it really be?
Is Goats finally over?

I don’t want it dead, but just not the goto team comp.
That’s just boring to watch after all these months.

Not even close.

Not used every second, every map?


The goal isn’t to kill goats, it’s to make it not the best choice in every situation. Also, plenty of DPS have been spotted the past few days in OWL. Even seen some Baps play!


Don’t hold your breath…teams are experimenting more, yes, but GOATs is still the end all, be all.

Dead? No

Learning to share playtime like a good little comp? Absolutely

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That’s exactly where it should be. No comp should be banned. No comp should be a must pick.


This is a good place for OWL, sometimes great messy DPS heavy ball comps, sometimes organized 3 - 3. Watching each really gets you in the mood to see the other IMO.

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Bastion? Orisa? Interesting defense here by Toronto

Nah, Bunker is dominating the ladder. Only reason it’s not used so much here is because it can be dismantled pretty well by organized communication.

i just watched rck demech envy and then get killed by envy’s baby dva… embarrassing

Did no one tell you? Envy is the #1 baby D’va player in the league dude.

Defiant poised to get a full hold here.

OK finally a cap!

And holy snowball!

If anyone didn’t know, this is why 2CP is considered the worst gamemode.

What a snowball! Almost didn’t even cap first point!