Torbjorn Rework

Can we have an idea of what you guys are trying with torbjorn? Like you shared your ideas for hanzo’s scatter replacement.
I’m very curious about it, since he’s a character i enjoy playing.

And to fellow forum dwellers, what do you think could be an interesting rework for him?

There was an interview with Geoff Goodman recently on a Seagull stream, it’s in a VOD now.

I don’t remember everything he said, but I know having a tossable turret was an idea they liked… He said it would be similar to Pulse Bomb in it’s range.

Not sure if that’s in the right spot, but the timestamp is about 1:05:50

Geoff had a couple ideas for his turrets. One was to have automatically be level 2 and another was allowing it to level up by getting kills which i hope is the route they go for

Geoff posted this yesterday.

His gun and turret are staying “obviously” and I think his molten core is too (although they may make it a regular ability instead of an ultimate which is weird) so that leaves his scrap and armor packs which may be getting replaced maybe (I hope they don’t) and he’ll probably still have him hammer since he’ll need to heal his turret with it.

That’s good.

I mean I’m of the opinion if they just made his head hitbox not silly and gave him some QoL buffs for getting his Turret set up… he’d be great.

oh, thank you, i knew seagull talked to him and i was curious

That second one would be a big nerf, who dies to a level 1 turret in the first place, something like that just means it will never be level 2.

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It wouldn’t be the only option. It would be able to level up by getting kills and torbjorn would still be able to upgrade it with his hammer. It would add another way to upgrade it not replace it.

It would be kinda pointless because if you put it down then you’d be making it level 2 with his hammer anyways, i can’t see anytime his turret would be level 2 from killing the enemies as a level 1 turret, i watched the clip and i agree with the turret starting at level 2 much more, and the pulse bomb like throwing of his turret sounds like a really good change.

But if it started at level 2 we would never see the level 1 turret at all. It already appears in sprays and highlight intros, so they need to still have the level 1 turret in his kit somehow.

If that’s the reason than i think he’s better off without it, remeber how hanzo has scatter arrow in that animated short, i don’t think it would matter much if they got rid of it because his level 1 turret is the most useless thing in his kit and nobody would ever use it willingly over level 2. and your wrong about his highlight intros, it’s always his level 2 turret.

That would take away the point of his character, to build up his turret. His “my baby” highlight intro has him looking though a picture book with all levels of his turret in it. His level one being the baby, level 2 being a teen and level 3 being the adult. If they took away the level 1 turret then it kinda ruins the point of the character. It’s like if they removed mei’s ice wall or ana’s sleep dart. They have dedicated highlight intros because there so important.

Why does that matter, also his level 2 turret is his iconic one not level 1, and i definitely don’t see how that would ruin the point of torbjorn, he’s the one with the turret, keeping it level 2 doesn’t make him lose his play style, it just improves him in every way.

Why does it matter? What if they decided to remove dva’s pilot form? Most pros just jump off a cliff to get there mech back easier, since it takes along time to get your mech back as dva. But if they remove that not only would it dumb down the character, it would take away the point of playing her. Removing torbjorn’s level 1 turret would not only dumb him down but take away the point of him upgrading his turret. That’s why he has a hammer. To upgrade his turret. He’s catchphrase is “hard work pays off” it wouldn’t be hard work if the turret was upgraded all the time.

im a 550+ hrs Torb main. His turret is what makes Torbjorn the character that he is. He really doesnt need anything except for his LMB and RMB and passive.

New Passive- Fuel Generation (Replaces Armor Generation)
Generates overtime, exclusive for LMB and RMB

LMB- Flame Thrower (Uses Fuel)


  • Can go through Barriers
  • Hits multiple opponents
  • Can defend himself from close range.


  • Short range
  • Low Damage (Similar to Winston’s Tesla cannon)
  • Can run out of Fuel

RMB- Jet Pack (Also uses Fuel)


  • Can make Torb setup a Turret on high ground or hard to reach places.
  • A tool to initiate or escape


  • Can run out of Fuel

Conclusion- Torb doesnt need armor generation passive. Its enough to pick up the armor, only lazy Torbs want the passive! With Fuel generation and a short range flame attack there is more risk-reward factor and makes Torb more fun to play with.

I already posted this before.
Link to original thread

Have you noticed how torbjorn has a hammer as he default weapon in the hero gallery? Almost like he needs to use it for a reason. Like upgrading his turret.

Or healing his turret.

It’s called a balanced character ( vs a underpowered character (torbjorn)

Also these are the only 2 times his level 1 turret appeared in anythingörn_Kanon.png
Compared to hanzo’s scatter arrow being in a animated short so i think they can change it without any problem the same as hanzo.

Mei’s ice wall appears in her highlight intro and as a spray, but if they removed that would you have no problem?