Torb deserves a Buff not a Nerf

Blizzard just tell me why, the charecters is finally having a bit of moment to shine and you nerf him? He is actually not even that good, still easily countered and still not that great at attack, can a have a formal explanation to why?

I don’t even play the hero, I main Sym and Mercy but I can’t understand why a hero never complained about gets a harsh nerf like this one??? I was actually thinking of ways to buff him the other day, like his hammer that is so underused after the rework, or his super small nail gun hitbox. Why nerf him? Some GMs complained about him? I don’t see why you should nerf any dps hero right now.

This is just sad. :disappointed_relieved:


Are you referring to the Stylosa interview clip? Jeff said it was just his opinion, not the view of the entire dev team. Doesn’t mean he’s getting nerfed.

This didn’t age well


He deserved to stay where he was, imo. He was slowly becoming a decent character, then they remembered that he is meant to be a bad pick.


Guess Jeff wasn’t lying when he said Torb was OP, right? Lol, right? am i right?

I didn’t even watched that and he did get nerfed HARD in the ptr

Ah OK, I’m just late to the game. Didn’t realize there was a PTR patch.

Terrible change, bad balancing.


People here defending torb and saying he doesn’t need to be nerfed like wth? A character with aimlock related ability and overhealth shouldn’t be in the game in the first place.
You are right he doesn’t need to get nerfed, he needs a rework or a vault.

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I can’t believe people are defending the torb that is on live right now. He is disgustingly overpowered, even in GM. I would have preferred them nerf/remove his turret (an unnecessarily cancerous and braindead ability) but a right click nerf will do.

Seriously though, no one wants to be killed by the game’s code. Remove/rework his turret and buff him somewhere else.

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