Top500 Junkrat main explains in extreme detail why he needs buffs


They basically added Hard counter #7 to Junkrat

No Thanks. He gets a free kill every tire. He’s good enough.

i love people not reading the post when i specifically said to nerf tire in the actual content of the post… lol

If it makes you feel better, she is the ultimate counter to McCree in that nearly every McCree main I normally talk to is going to migrate to her.

But I don’t think she’s a true hard counter, no more than Widow is. But she’s definitely a soft one.

widow is a really good junkrat counter, ashe will be too probably

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Its a context specific counter though, so a soft counter. At range, Widow wins out fairly easily but as soon as Junk closes the gap he should be able to win, assuming his inconsistency doesn’t screw him over.

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i disagree

In bronze-gold he is a roffle stomper giving him buffs will see an influx of JR mains hitting higher ranks

How many people do you think don’t understand the context before commenting?

I specifically mention Ashe v JR because of her mobility and Bob.

The coach gun gives her almost conc-mine levels of mobility so junkrat doesn’t have a huge advantage there like he does against McCree (the classic hero most like Ashe for ability profile). While his mine does seem to be a lot more powerful for movement (not even counting the second charge), simply not being 100% behind the curve is a huge leg up.

Second, she’s got a very powerful, mid-range hitscan weapon in her viper. It’s a similar profile to McCree’s peacekeeper with all of the same strengths vs JR, except she can scope in and it has 8m more range before falloff starts to kick giving her a major advantage over McCree when countering JR.

Third is Bob. Junkrat’s primary strength is holding chokepoint. Ashe can send a 1200 health brick with perfect auto-aim through or around a choke point to easily smoke out a junkrat. Because she is essentially 2 heroes in one, any Junkrat trying to hold a flanking choke on his own will be outnumbered, and out-healthed 7:1 by these two.

Additionally, because of her coach gun, she has access to some choke bypasses and brings Bob with her since he is basically a turret. So if you can’t get through the choke that JR is denying you, there’s a good chance you can bypass it and try to flank him (not to mention that bob is a really, really good distraction all on his own at the worst of times).

The only advantage JR really has is his trap, and I’m only assuming that bob is susceptible to the trap since I haven’t had a chance to test this specific interaction.

And none of this mentions her dynamite, which will, IMO, separate the bad ashes from the good ones.

…Junkrat and Dynamite.

…can we ship Ashe and Junrkat? Is that allowed? Asherat?

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Riptire doing less damage in the air is a misconception, not a bug. The problem is the point to which line of sight for the explosion is established is pretty low, as soon as you jump you’re far away enough to do a lot less damage than one would think it should.

The reduction in damage when you jump is because distance for explosions is measured from the center of the explosion to the center of the bottom of the target’s hitbox.

My guess is because it’s less math than measuring from the center of the explosion to the closest point on the bounding rect surface (which is an EXPENSIVE calculation. Trust me). My guess is they just picked an arbitrary point that they felt was “good enough” and rolled with it.

Something about Rip Tire fell through the cracks, or they feel it’s not impacting his performance enough to worry about.

A whole Kill for an ult? Man, thats insane. That apparently averages to 4 whole kills a game. Maybe try to bring actual constructive data here.

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HIs projectiles an now phase through her hitbox, so no, its not a guarentee.

Its even worse against thin fast moving characters now. The hitbox checks will miss cross sections .

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the hitbox seriously needs to be fixed

in short agreed 1000000000%

The thing is - unless Junkrat takes the long way around and sneaks up on her, Widow will always delete him without any damage to herself. hence the hard counter.


Sure. A free kill every 1 out of 3 tires he actually gets off.

I apparently need to learn what “free” means again…


So, got in a few rounds with ashe.

Yeah…she counters JR even harder than widowmaker does.

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