[top500 got suspended] the problem with reporting system, and how people abuse it

The reason the heroes are bad is because they’re mostly used wrong, there’s bad balance for tanks, also considering that there’s a forced meta players will just not be intuitive.

“bad heros with broken ults”, so Reinhardt? You currently have a 39.58% win rate with him on comp - with 19 wins and 29 losses… He’s currently in a really bad spot because of powercreep where he can be stunned all over the place, blasted to high heavens by Junkrat, and requires to be babysit. His ultimate has been legitimately broken for ages. He mostly exist just to be an ult swamp for Zarya.

Considering that you’ve played Zarya and Reinhardt the most, I’m guessing you’re in for the meta, which is easily countered by a shrewd gameplay with a Sombra, Pharah and Junkrat. This meta is just not countered because players fear adaptabiliy and change.

thats why I play him, orisa doesnt allow zarya to build charge like a rein can. winston and hog were useless start of the season because Bridgette and hanzo. dva gets cooked by zarya/rein… most of the others are batteries for the enemy hanzo.

of course there are times where they all are viable but thats few and far between… Im fairly new to overwatch so any meta change hits me hard because of lack of experience. I peaked 3650 this season but dropped since my mains were rendered useless

its cuz the devs dont care and just want you to buy a new account

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Salty much? Every hero requires skill. Your just salty that he plays different heroes than you and he reached a higher elo.

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Basically the opposite of the legal system, you have to prove you are innocent… and even if you do, they don’t have the time for it so they don’t care. :slight_smile: Pretty much as unfair as it can get.

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I am also pissed sometimes when poeple achieve nothing on their picks, but despite that, imho banning someone from a game they payed for because they ‘weren’t doing good enough’ in some matches is really-really bad.

Report system is automated. I have gotten a ban email before a round started because I was symm in spawn while waiting for team to pick so I could fill. Literally one person said ban symm and I got reported by my team they also put it in all chat so that enemy could report me. I was already chat muted(for asking teammates to switch or saying this comp is not working can we change it) so could not say anything like I am filling based on team comp. Once you reach the limit you get banned automatically. Ways to be less likely to be banned is to play tank or healer. They do not get banned because people think entire game rests in dps’ hands for some weird reason.

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Its more the fact that this meta is easy to play with less coordination. Beating these comps require more team work than just mirroring it and pressing q after grav.

As usual: LFG and amateur teams (aka guilds) will solve these sorts of problems.

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They wont fix it, people at all ranks ban you for not playing up to the standards in any way shape or form. then when your banned in any way they block you from posting on the forum so you cant say anything about it. They dont want to end the system because people who buy multiple accounts can mass report an account and get it banned. Blizzard actually doesnt care because they get payed enough for the multiple accounts that you dont matter to them

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Blizzard doesn’t care because they’re on a mindset of automation. They know it’s happening and they’ve decided we’re just collateral damage they can live with. They whitelist big twitch streamers to avoid bad press but that’s about it.

It has nothing to do with forcing people to buy multiple accounts and everything to do with minimizing running costs and using cool automation tools.

It’s a good thing they are actively looking at other sources of Report abuse to administer action to those that deserve it.

considering you can’t even break into master you should not be criticizing someone.

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I’m top 500 too, and I know you. You don’t just play the heroes you want to play, you throw on them. You literally just either play horribly or feed on them, and bring the team down. Many times I’ve played with you, and if I can recall correctly I’ve seen you tilt a good amount of times and leave voice chat as well.

So don’t try to brainwash these people. You guys have never played with him, and don’t know what he’s actually like in game.


I hit masters twice, season 9 and 10… id say thats pretty good considering I started in silver halfway through season 6

What is the point of this poist?

Just finding a way to rip into someone with no substance relating to the op?

You should be banned from these forums along with all the other people who just seek to undermine people with legitimate complaints.

As far as the op goes, it really sucks that we are at the mercy of the vocal minority.

I was recently silenced for 7 days and while I can’t say it wasn’t justified, there was absolutely no context taken into account with why I would get a little mouthy in game. I would only mouth off in qp or arcade as well.

I know that doesn’t excuse my behavior but it shows that I am selective in my slight toxicity.

I feel ya man, and I hope that you get unbanned.

Exactly my point, actually. There is no way to take context into account.

We are at the mercy of the opinions of others and others are at the mercy of our opinions.

Political correctness is not de wae.

Just watch the movie PC, there’s a great speech at the end that describes the perils of being overly PC.

tbh what is the point of the thread, this is just one of the thousands that were posted, theres no possible way for blizzard to accurately judge which reports are real and which arnt… blizzard chose to rework them because if the majority of the player base reports people who pick a certain character then its most likely busted… in a few days this thread will be buried like all the rest because blizzard have already made up their mind on how to soft fix it.

the only legitimate way to solve it is to make the report system near useless which certainly wont help with getting rid of people who should be gotten rid of

chances are if you are getting reported to the point of being banned multiple times you are clearly doing something wrong…

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You didn’t address the fact that your original post was off-topic and slightly toxic.

Care to iterate on that?

when the first thing in your topic is [top500 got suspended] its like click bait because when you read the thread its just another sym/torb one trick complaining about being banned… and they essentially go on to explain that they cant play any desirable hero at that rank properly and when you dig for more info they only have a positive WR on 5 low skill heros (reaper, junk, symm, torb, moira). If you claim to be a top 500 I expect some real clout

maybe thats toxic but this is competitive discussion, aside from “wow you played good” anything can be considered toxic

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