Top Ten Easymode Overwatch Heroes

No, my concept of an easy hero is on how easy it is to pickup the character, and not about mastering the said hero.

Reinhardt is one of the easiest characters to pick up because of his low skill floor.

He’s definitely the tank with the lowest skill floor if you’d ask me.

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Thats is true, its quite easy hero to start playing on tanks. Would put him close to winston tho not as easiest one on floor picking. Especialy at lower rank games, or qp matches, sometimes you just jump in (sometimes with mercy for that blue beam of destruction), and melt their background with not much input or worry. It gets worse at higher lvl of play where people finnaly start noticing jumping monkey and you need to think or better keep jump for running away and shield dance during fight.

You clearly have NO idea what “Rein Mastery” means lol

Is this a list of heroes that killed you today?

Take my orb, you need it hun
:yellow_circle: :raised_hand:t2:


Where did these heroes touch you?

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The Sebastion killed me :joy:

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Stop making ppl feel bad just because they play a certain hero. It’s beyond scummy. And it’s mostly subjective, some people find genji super easy and others can’t even touch him. It all depends on the player.

And you also have no reasons as to why they’re easy lmao.

You’re probably just salty that you got outplayed.

Tell me which hero you’ll play and I’ll give a bs argument as to why they’re easy, like you would to any of these heroes.

And what do you happen to mean by skill? Their skill floor? The bare minimum? Ceiling, and how hard they are to master? Or just plain input to output ratio?

These threads are stupid.

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Why is that making me laugh so much?


Because bad players have zero imagination.

Might explain why they struggle if they don’t have the imagination to think around their problems…


Why are you leaking my name?


I agree with Cree, hog and Torb but Monkey is one of the hardest heroes in the game, so what? also Moira is easy but she is so bad that it doesn’t really matter.

“confused monkee noises”

If you don’t have top tier game sense, cooldown tracking and somewhat reasonable team coordination, then you will have a bad time playing as Winston.
Hence he is kinda bad in ladder right now, while being extremely strong in OWL.

So why exactly is he on this list? :thinking:

Then go ahead and enlighten me with your great wisdom.

But I would like to add that I will most likely not retract my earlier statement of reinhardt being the easiest tank to pick due to his extremely low skill floor. This is irrelevant to any mastery (skill ceiling) of the character

  1. Roadhog
  2. Doomfist
  3. McCree

lol in what world is mccree easier to play then brig?

Asking as a brig player and enthusiast.

This list reeks of hurt feelings and petty.

I mean I guess doomfist is there because of how easy it is to 1 shot … this is a pretty accurate list of low skill floor heroes with high value … Id prob put road more towards the bottom

Man really just said winston is easy

Where is Lucio at? :+1:

For games where everybody is ranking 5, Winston is cool.