Top 500's opinion on current Roadhog

For those who dont know who he is, Dr. Riku is a top500 Roadhog main who is also one of the best Roadhog mains there is. I recently came across this video that he made a few weeks ago and wanted to share it because he discusses problems and inconsistencies with Roadhog that can be improved to allow him to be more functional. Some of these are probably threads you have seen or read that have been floating around the forums.

I am also a Roadhog main myself, and i would like some of what he suggested to come through, since current Roadhog is one of the biggest feeds in the game. What he gives to his team does not equate to what the enemy takes from him currently.


(and could one of you beautiful tier 3 people post the video since i am only a pleb at tier 2 :slight_smile:)


Jeff actually needs to watch this video. In the end Riku is talking about the state of the game in general and he’s completely right. “I wanna love the game again, but the current state of it is just frustrating”


You are a beautiful person, and dont let anyone tell you other wise.

And yea i agree with this vid too. I dont want a full revert, but something has to change, cuz they are ruining such a fun hero to play (to me anyway :stuck_out_tongue: ). If anything i would like to hear the devs thoughts on him currently and if they have plans for him currently.


I wonder if they will ever do anything to Roadhog again. He’s not a beautiful Mercy, most people hate him - he makes not much money.

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Prob not. Considering that all their failed projects they just sweep under the rug until they feel like looking at them again (ex/Roadhog, Ana, Bastion, Mercy)


Hey, I saw that you also made a topic on the Dr.Riku video and you gave a nice reply.

I don’t think Blizzard should listen to one player, because he is a t500 player. There are a lot of players and a lot of opinions, but they all point out in the same direction. And together the community is strong. So letting your voice count too is really good.

Roadhog is in a weird spot and need some attention for future buffs. There are really smart analyst and programmers working for Blizzard, so I thrust they will eventually fix it. Even if it would take a full season. Its our job to let them know that players struggle to get a descent amount of value out of a certain hero.

Keep up the good work and spread the word!

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Yeah, Roadhog does feel like a little bit of a gamble sometimes.

I really feel like hook should be looked at to make it feel like it’s doing its job properly - It does seem to be magically unlatching sometimes.

I really feel like Hog should be able to use hook to cancel his E.

The one thing that really resonated with me from the video was that compared to many other games, OW feels very slow at getting updates. I understand the quality of the content updates is quite high but I would really appreciate if they took a more aggressive approach at balance when OWL is not in season.

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Hasn’t someone made this exact post like a week ago?

as a not top 500 player:
if you hook them, they should be pulled to you regardless of geometry, or, if geometry forces hook to drop it should do 75 extra damage.

either right or left click needs its damage range extended.
you have to have the aim of a pro mcree player to get any work out of roadhog, and with rng spread and projectile on the first part of right click, its often not as rewarding.

Make Roadhog great again.


I just wish they’d fix the hook bugs. I’ve been watching Harbleu’s steam and dude looses half the hooks he hits to bugs,



Yea I was strolling through YouTube and I found it. Good thing I did because it is something I like many other Roadhog mains have been begging for. Whether they want to listen or not is another story and my money is that they will put it off as long as they can.

remov the second line of sight check, he used to be the counter to corner pokers but since the changed hook they took that away.

how it works now:
throw hook
check line of sight
deal hook damage
check line of sight again
pull in

why do we have to check line of sight again after we do damage?

Make the hook work?
Who the heck does this guy think he is?


If memory serves, the first suggestion he makes is basically saying that interdimensional hook should come back and let you get pulled through walls and around corners. And that’s actually stupid.

He could be ranked 1 in the world. That doesn’t make him automagically right on needed changes.



Roadhog should hook plus one shot all heroes with 200 hp, no exceptions. The fact that Hanzo, Lucio, Ana and Mercy seem to so inconsistently be killed by this is ludicrous.

Roadhog should not be able to one shot Reaper or Mei but should place them within less than 15 hp of dying forcing them to use thei abilities to escape.

Roadhog’s reduced damage during his healing ability should be kept for an additional 3 seconds after the healing animation is done but instead of negating half of all damage he should reduce 25% of damage during these 3 seconds.

I think this would go a long way into making Roadhog feel more consistent and like less of an ult battery.

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Hes not saying interdimensional hook should come back in his first point. Hes saying that because of how hook works now its too easy for people to momentum cheese it but jumping towards a line of sight. Hes saying hook should stop movement when it hits, so if when the hook hits there is nothing between him and the target they should get pulled because that was a hit.

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“Make the hook always pull if you have vision when the hook lands.
When you hook somebody, but you get out of Line of Sight, it’ll still pull them regardless”

That’s not “killing momentum” that is literally asking for what was a major problem with Hog at launch.

Later on he talks about how it should kill momentum, and that would solve the problem you’re talking about. But letting it pull around corners and through walls is not a valid suggestion.