Top 500 Leaderboard

I’ve played 81 games and have 50 wins but i’m not on top 500 leaderboards when i ranked up before the 50 wins it said ‘you are the maximum rank’ and on the 50th win it said ‘you are ranked higher than 100% of grandmaster 1 and competing for top 500’ what exactly does this mean and how do i get top 500?

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You probably already have done this already, but make sure you have a minimum of 25 wins for role queue and 50 wins for open queue, and that your account is both SMS Protect enabled and Blizzard Authenticator enabled for your account to appear on the leaderboards. If you’ve done this already, then you might be experiencing a bug in which your account does not appear on the leaderboards, which I’ve created a list of similar posts in my megathread under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 4). Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs.