Top 500 leaderboard not working

I’ve met the requirements of playing 50 games this season on console in open queue but i’m not appearing on the leaderboard is there something else i need to do to be appearing on there.


Have the same issue. They updated it so it’s 25 wins. But if your career profile doesn’t update the wins you don’t get top 500 :frowning: this is something we have to just sit and wait out. I’m gm1 in open queue rn with 100+ games played but it only says I played 3.

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how many wins do you have in open queue because someone else said you needed 50 wins in open queue for top 500 ?

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That sounds like another instance of the career profiles bugs. You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here is a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 4). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

As for the new Top 500 requirements, the Devs have changed it so that starting in Season 4 and going forward, you will need to win 25 games for role queue and win 50 games for open queue to appear on the leaderboards.

Oh god I hope it’s not 50. According to the patch notes from April 11th. They updated it to 25 wins. But it says 25 wins for region, open, and role queue. Idk where people are getting 50 from but I’ll have to try and keep playing I guess.

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I’ve just checked the patch notes. I think it’s 25 for each kinda competitive mode. It says “Players will now be required to win 25 competitive matches before being eligible to enter the top 500 leaderboard for the specific role, queue, or region”.

The only thing the Devs changed in the requirement was games played to games won, but the quantity remains the same. So its 25 wins for Role Queue Competitive and 50 wins for all non-Role Queue competitive modes, which so far are Open Queue, Capture The Flag, Mystery Heroes, and Deathmatch.