Top 10 worst updates of 2018

  1. Brigitte. How in gods name did she get past playtesting. Dont make a OP hero just to stop a meta. Buff your other 28 hero roster

  2. Literally every event after anniversary. The balance updates we got was not worth the trade for nothing new aside from cosmetics. Also, cheap move to slap a week long OWL advertisment over Summer Games.

  3. Hanzo rework. All of his weaknesses are removed and his kit is overbloated, just like D.VA a year ago. We did not need another fan the hammer ability with headshots…

  4. Doomfist nerfs. Low elo players and boosted grandmasters strike again because they can’t choose Sombra to hack a Doomfist.

  5. Sombra rework. She was good until she got her dumb line of sight adjusted and a 2 second cooldown on a failed hack. Her perma invis just promotes hiding in a corner and being emp bot 2.0.

  6. Private profiles. So what if you have 600 hours on mercy? Own up to it. The fact I cant help flex to because a hidden healer main is playing a hero they suck at isn’t going to help anyone. At least remove the feature in comp.

  7. Forum update/overhaul. We can’t downvote stupid threads (like this one) of people saying Bastion needs a nerf or people who think Roadhog is OP. I’ve seen more stupid threads than the time when Bob was around

  8. Sym/Torb rework. Sym more so since shes still poopie. Torb is just a midget soldier mixed with a mini Bastion. Feels like a generic dps when others can do it better and efficiently.

  9. OWL. Its kinda scary how much this esport has bled onto the game and turned it to crap. Most resources and time go towards that now than events. Locking a Lucio emote and legendary skins behind esports paywall? Pass

  10. Report System Overhaul. Mass reports can now ban people who play off meta heroes (that they’re good at) while those toxic reporters can still play the game. Cool.

2018 was a rocky year, and I hope next year manages to turn around somehow, or elsw this game is cooked.

If they announce OW mobile I’m done.

Happy New Year!


No problems.

One of the best.


Much better now.

Should have been in the game all the time.

Also great.


You missed something:
Right Click ftw

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You’re right, I would down vote this.

They. are. two. different. teams.

Well… I agree with the song xD

Still diverted resources.


Agreed. There is no excuses for letting Brigitte go live the way she did and for how long they let her oppress every other class in the game. That hero launch was a disaster.

Indeed. Lack of new event content in order to ‘focus on QoL changes and new features’ has not really impressed me. At all.

Agreed. Another inexcusable rework that makes you question if there’s any internal play-testing what so ever. Went live as an insane monster. Not cool.

Was OP but they shouldn’t have given him all nerfs at once.

Eh. I guess it worked out alright but we in the Sombra community was always against this new “scout” direction for Sombra. It’s not at all what we wanted for the hero.

Agreed. Bad change. Hiding data to prevent ‘toxic behavior’ feels like throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

No, I like the new forum. It’s nice. I don’t miss the vote system.

Sym rework was really bad and left her in a worse state than before. Torb was okay.

Too much focus on OWL from the devs. Every time Jeff speaks it’s just “OWL, OWL, OWL, OWL let me tell you about OWL, OWL OWL, check out OWL”

It’s fine. Not perfect but better than it used to be.


Pretty sure they had go move some folk to work on OWL instead of events and stuff.

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I disagree with OP, but I can agree that we should all hopefully have a happy upcoming new year!




The Summer Games update was my least favorite due to the bugs and other issues that sprung from it. One issue was the sudden increase in the voice chat volume, making everybody sound like they were scream towards the mic. Another issue was the occurrence of ultimates that went off without audio cues, the most aggravating ones, in my opinion, coming from Genjis, Junkrats and Meis. This issue still persists from time to time, but either on a less frequent scale or I’ve learned to get used to it.

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Torb, Sym, and Sombra are still trash heroes. How is that great?

Sombra’s Rework was a success, she’s WAY better than what she was before. 2s Hack CD opens up better counterplay, her LoS Checks are hardley even noticable anymore, Permanent Invisibility doesn’t promote hiding in a corner and being an EMP Bot, it makes her a more viable assassin who can pick who to Hack/Fight/EMP when she wants how she wants.

You must not play Sombra, not good at least.

Doomfist nerfs was the best update of the game. Any nerf that renders the most cancerous hero in the game useless is good.

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Are still much better than they were.


And… How? If they were so much better than they were before, then why do they still have trash pickrates and winrates and why does people choose to report people for playing these heroes or keep telling the player to switch off of these heroes?

Good old-fashioned “bias free” forum balance.

I am the forums

No, private profiles should have never been added in the game. One of the worst features added in Overwatch. Makes competitive mode a whole lot worse of an experience to play.

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2018 was great for Overwatch other than the Events and Slam nerf on Doomfist to me. Archives will be my favorite event anyways.