Top 10 most nerfed characters in gaming

Remove rez, problem solved

50 HPS won’t solve anything. And the “buffs” the other supports are getting are sheer jokes. Most of them don’t solve ANYTHING innately wrong with any of them. Lucio only having the true note-worthy buff of 2m increase on radius. His ult still depletes at 4s, meaning that extra health depletes faster than 600, meaning it will not do any extra saving at all unless used at the perfect time, as Lucio’s ultimate already does. It is too time reliant. It needs a slower decay. Ana’s ult is mainly to engage. It CAN be used defensively, but rarely is, so that makes nearly no difference to her. Do people even have a problem with Moira’s resource meter? I’ve ran out a total of 3 times in my 20 hours on her.

Well, what do we know? We are just bunch of people who cherished this game and the its characters and plays it everyday whom bothers to chip in ideas and thoughts.


Community: “Nano should instant heal the target”
Blizzard: “Ana’s nano now heals for 300”
Community: “They don’t listen to us”

I never saw anybody ask for this, honestly. I only ever saw base kit buff requests. Never nano boost unless it was to bring speed boost back.

Community: “Mercy’s rework is messed up (In both PTR and LIVE).”
Blizzard: “Nah, it’s cool.”
Community: “They don’t listen to us.”

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Then you haven’t spent a lot of time here. People were asking for this before they were asking for grappling hooks and passive abilities

I came to the forums ever since Mercy’s rework went live. In almost a year, I never saw a single post about people wanting Ana to have a heal boost when nanoing.

Nerf? your hero went from being ;

  1. A extremely basic standard healer class, easy to play, easy to master, not broken.

1.1) Players started to abuse hide and ress because it was effective and had literally no counter play.

1.2) Then Mercy got invulnerable after casting her ult I mean WHY? what was the stupid reason for something like this? why S76 didn’t get an invulnerability frame when CASTING Tactical visor? or who cannot even use her second life because she dies before the player can control the

1.3) She went from self regeneration outside of combat from 3 seconds to 1 , basically your character doesn’t even need to ask for heals or pick a health pack.

1.4) Then she got another buff to GA and now is tied to 1.5 seconds with momentum added (Pretty much like DF when you press W after RP )

1.5) Damage boost got reduced a bit but that’s literally nothing since you have Orisa/Zen discord.

1.6) Your hero got reworked making her the most Overpowered hero in the story of OW, old valkyrie with two insta- resurrection and no casting time and GA being much faster almost at Tracer blinks speed, heals up to 5 players and damage boost too (Mini Orisa ult) , you can regen HP at crazy levels even if you are under fire, basically the only counter play for this was a extremely good Widow that could blow your head in 1 shoot.

1.7) Ress got tunned down, because it was destroying the game. Now you had to cast it for 1 second and only 1 resurrect per 30 seconds.

Basically Mercy was not even in OP tier she was on GOD - SSS Tier and Blizz slowly have been trying to put her down on a more reasonable level.

Sadly Mercy OT’S will never accept the reality because they doesn’t play anything else, they doesn’t know how it feels to be on the other side of the coin.

I’ll give you an example I have been mastering Doomfist as hard I could and now I’m sitting with 70% win rate on Master/GM tier and guess who is the only character in the game that I cannot outplay-kill ? Yes is Mercy, she is the only one who can escape all my stuff every 1.5 seconds, I cannot kill her unless I delete her entire team before because Uppercut doesn’t work, Sismic slam doesn’t stop her from flying-blinking and Meteor Strike is basically a waste of time because even if I bait her GA she still can manage to fly away before DF lands on her head. Charging a full RP against Mercy is basically asking to be deleted by her entire team.

Top 10 most whiny players in gaming history:

  1. Mercy mains

Considering she was also the most overpowered hero in the history of this game right out of the ptr post rework, are we really surprised its taken this many small nerfs to get her somewhere inline with other supports? You guys might think the devs hate Mercy, but they have never taken their sweet time toning a hero down like they are doing with her.

Now you have :] These are only the first couple I found, I’m sure there’s more posts buried in other buff/ana threads

And she was so unbelievable OP that she’s still after 10 nerfs a strong and must pick

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And will continue to be the strongest because this rework broke her. But now people will have a better reason to Change off of her because literally nobody but Mercy mains WANT to play her. But she will still reign supreme because Mercy 2.0 is the most broken thing in this game. She needs another rework to REALLY fix her problems.

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By nerf I meant in this patch. Notice I used word “the” before nerf which refers to her current nerf.
1.1) no counter play? Yes lets pop all of our ults simultaneously so Mercy can deny them all at once!

1.2) The reason Mercy got invulnerable is because when your teammates are still in rez animation you are stuck in the middle of enemy team and that’s basically death.

1.3) Yea, somehow she always managed to get out of combat and she is NOT the only healer on your team.

1.4) Yes, ever since that momentum buff no Mercy ever died and we can avoid dragon blades with ease.

1.5) Yep, Orisa/Zen are always there.

1.6) We totally wanted the rework which led to current messed up 30s single target rez.

1.7) Check 1.6

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Uh, Irelia would like a word with you.

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True, she’s basically Irelia of Overwatch.

I would prefer Mass Res Mercy (especially Suicide Mercy pre-invuln) because I absolutely loved memeing with Mercy. I found it so fun and exhilarating pushing Mercy past her boundaries to see what I could get away with. Now you just press Q and hold space bar. Mercy died to me ever since the rework. It was never fun and still isn’t. I even like the feel of cast time res post Mercy 2.0 than when it was instant. It just felt so terrible to use and still does. Mass Res Mercy never felt terrible to play ever. Even when being outplayed, it was still exciting. This “Mercy” is the complete opposite and feels super terrible and boring to do anything with besides bunny hop. Even healing and damage boost feels terrible because all the skill in it was removed due to Valk. She’s just terrible now (in terms of fun. Not power).

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