Too many AimBot Hacker in PC

I had a match earlier where a soldier 76 got play of the game for “sharpshooting”. His cursor literally tracked every person perfectly at exactly the same speed, never going any different speed from person to person. I haven’t seen a ton of them, but I’ve definitely seen a few, and I’ve played less than 100 hours.


You kidding? That video was one of the most blatant aimbots possible with a wallhack on top of it! No wonder cheaters get away with bloody murder in this game. You are the poster child for every single poster on this forum that has said the words “I’ve only seen 1 or 2 aimbots ever!”


I’m good on widow and I’ve made plays that look like that dozens of times

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Also go into custom games and find a widow headshots only lobby. U can practice there

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I can’t help you if you can’t see it. I play in custom games against Grandmaster and Top 500 widows, I know what they can do. This is not human movement. This is blatant. This is obvious. This is botting. Stop defending cheating in Overwatch.


No they’re no hacking. Out of my hundreds of hours playing this game on multiple accounts I’ve only come across one legitimate hacker that I still have recorded on my computer. It’s either a guy have an unusually good game, or a smurf. You’ve got these ridiculous people that want to find some way to blame their loss so they cry hacking. I had this one guy accuse me of hacking on Pharah once because I was “snapping to people’s feet”. Seriously?? Give me a break.

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Stop trolling pls m8

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Ah that must be the infamous Footshot Hack that players use to avoid detection with a typical aimbot

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Pls tell me you’re joking lol

Bronze players also use the ‘miss the first shots hack’ where they shoot ten times miss and then they get a headshot. It’s the reason people get stuck in bronze because of footshot and miss-some-shot-hacks


Ah yes I’ve seen this everywhere makes perfect sense now

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Yea, you two are right. That microsecond snap at the start of the video was totally legit. There aren’t any aimbotters in Overwatch and there never will be. Everyone’s gonna feel so dumb when they realize! :rofl:

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For your informaition.

ok, I understood.
this is not Aimbot. I am afraid this is aim assist like FPS of xbox360.
To sum up, this hack work while player click the mouse button.
it look like flickshot.


Like you said to me, i’s either the game or the player’s fault.

Also, hilarious that you think by playing games with GMs & T500 in custom games it gives you some kind of expertise about whether or not someone is aimbotting. They’re T500. You’re not. Just because you’ve played with them doesn’t mean you have their abilities, otherwise you’d be in T500.

Starting a sentence out by saying “as someone who’s played custom games with GMS and T500” reminds me of when people think they’re getting the high ground by starting a sentence off with “as a god-loving Christian” to justify their point. For anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together, it doesn’t. Being a god-fearing Christian often has nothing to do with the argument, like here, just because you played a couple custom games with GMs (LOL who brags about that) and T500 players, doesn’t mean you’re now the go-to guy on whether or not someone is aimbotting.

Also I’ve played – NOT CUSTOM GAMES, ACTUAL COMP AND QP – with multiple T500 people. Wooo I guess I’m suppperrrr special too. Nope. Playing with them doesn’t mean I have their game sense or mechanical skill.


(I’m not sure if this was sarcasm or not, so I’m going to assume that it isn’t)

During September Overwatch was just $12 in Humble Bundle’s Humble Monthly subscription. That’s why the smurfing and griefing problem has increased recently.

Hackers in low rank? How? How can anyone cheat and fail to hit diamond? Do they need a cheat assist cheat?

My expertise comes from administrating popular quake3 servers back in the day and evaluating thousands of logs and demos for aimbots and cheats. Aim hacks have only gotten more advanced since the OGC aimbot days and there a lot of people unaware of just how insidious good cheats are. Anyone who’s played games against really good players (GM or Top500) knows that getting hit by an aimbot “feels” very different from actual aim, even from the best.

The problem is that there is a large number of people who insist they’ve almost never seen a cheat in Overwatch when that is demonstrably not the case (hence the need for “ban-waves” in games). Others have pointed out that cheaters are banned in published numbers of hundreds of thousand and millions in other popular titles, and that should make anyone pause for thought.

Also, who’s stalking who now?


While I never actually witnessed an aimbot (they’re too obvious to stay, or maybe simply at higher ranks), I’ve experienced variations upon machine-assisted players. For instance, I once saw a Genji perform dash-180-dash-180-dash in a perfect line, in maybe 400 ms. Humanly impossible. Especially when you have to predict all 3 hp will meet the perfect score at the perfect time for 3 dashes in a row.

Back on aimbots, I think softwares are evolving way faster than Blizzard can react. It’s like viruses/antiviruses : you can’t prevent before being informed. So they’re real, and will always be. Next client full install may be a counteract level-up.

The main problem is that aimbots can now use high-end image analysis, therefore stay external. And when it’s external, game’s client practically has no power … the only solution would be Blizzard to partner up with Microsoft (for pc, xbox), or Sony, to access low-level data. Which is easy for consoles, but not for PC.

LOL point B – "hence the need for ban waves – does not prove your point A “the problem is there is a large number of people who insist they’ve never seen a cheat in OW despite that being demonstrably not the case” because THERE HAVE BEEN NO BAN WAVES. In fact, you disprove your own argument in your own sentence – a feat in and of itself. If cheating were as prevalent as you claim because you “administered popular quake3 servers back in day” then you would know when there are a blatant amount of cheaters, ban waves are ABSOLUTELY implemented. Blizzard has never done that because there’s no need to.

Completely ironic that you commented in my other thread that there are no smurfs/trolls/leavers, I just need to git gud – despite the main page of general discussion and competitive being INUNDATED with threads about smurfs/trolls/leavers – and then try to humblebrag about your personal experience (honestly don’t believe it, if you admined servers you would know the difference between a couple aimbotters here and there v. a blatant outright cheating problem) – and very few threads about cheating.

If we’re just going to be stroking our own egos (you include some kind of humblebrag in ALL of your comments), I’ve also played pro competitive TF2 as team captain and won in ESEA to IM (second highest level) before I had to quit for law school. I’ve also been a server master for multiple LANs.

Cheating isn’t as big of a problem as you’re making it out to be, and humblebragging about al your “expertise adminning quake3 servers” back in 1999 does nothing to prove your opinion.

Like you said to me, “stop blaming the game and look at yourself and blame yourself.”

Maybe that McCree you were playing against is just better than you and not aimbotting. Look inward bro.

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You are REALLY tilted my friend.