Tone down Doomfist please

No to uppercut and punch, yes to slam and his ult, but they absorb the damage too, keeping you alive.

Depends. I always lead with punch against Brig, as it one taps her reliably, but timing with Brig is now a thing due to the shield bash nerf (knocks down her too).

Tip with Brig against Doom, stay pretty much up the Rein’s rear. 80% of the time, the Rein will get hit and not you, resulting in you being able to burst 150 damage him, which may not kill him, but does send him whimpering back to his healers.

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That’s a start lol.

However, the fact his Rocket Punch can do so much on a 4 second cooldown is just BS. It “felt” OK because it was buggy and only worked 33%-66% of the time. But now it’s working consistently, which all abilities should so let’s not nerf that part… Just tone down what the ability can do. With all that it can achieve, it should be a 7 second ability at the bare minimum. If it were on a character with a functioning primary fire then it’d be a 12-15 second cooldown lol. Something’s gotta be tweaked.

Either one of these:

  1. Longer cooldown to justify being able to CC, 1 shot, and zoom across a map. This is probably the worst of the 3 option s.
  2. No stun, because if a 5/6 second stun that can only go 7m far is bull crap, then a stun on a 4 second cooldown that can go 7m-22m is waaaaaay worse no matter who the character is.
  3. No 250 maximum damage (one shot) potential… CC in this game follows a consistent rule except for Doomfist. Either the ability is weak (0-70ish dmg) and has CC effects or the ability is strong and the worst secondary effect is just KB. Doomfist gets the best of both worlds for some reason… On a 4 second cooldown. Pick a lane.
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The best way to nerf Doomfist is to bring Roadhog out of F-Tier.


And then people will pick Roadhog and Doomfist on the same team, so the CC situation becomes even worse.


Buffing Road won’t do much. Yeah he’ll be a slight hindrance, but in the long run, Doom just ruins him most of the time. The second Hog is off of his puny stubby feet, he’s dead m9.

I think a 50% CC duration resistance passive on Rein would be nice.

Giving other heroes more power to counter other heroes just means that OTHER heroes will need even more power to counter them. This is just power creep and it’s typically more effective and more balanced to tone down one hero who appears to be overtuned than to give power to other heroes and rely on them to be more effective.


Those heroes are all considered weak anyway. Making them viable would bring them up(to where they should be)while indirectly bringing Doomfist down.

In all honesty, the Doom counters are there, and they’re strong. Sombra Pharah and McCree are the main three, but Hog’s general lack of a one shot makes his Doom kill potential much weaker, especially with the damage falloff nerf with no buff to counteract it (like, why Blizzard).

Hog etc just need buffs to get back in a playable state, not to counter him as such. Same goes for Mei and Torb. As I mentioned in another thread, Doom’s counters are Pharah and Sombra, with the rest being relatively soft in comparison.

If you’re using it to cover great distances you’re not using it to attack. If you blindside someone from 20 meters away then they deserve to get hit by it regardless. Although I have you give credit to realizing this the worst option. A nerf to Rocket Punch is a considerable nerf to both Doomfist’s damage and mobility.

Really? Why do people always compare Doomfist’s stun to Brigitte’s? For a start, Doomfist’s stun isn’t instantaneous; the full affect requires 2 seconds to charge. 2 seconds of which Doomfist slows to a crawl and glows. Not to mention Doomfist’s extremely noticeable lack of a 600 HP Shield that he could use to protect himself while he’s stunning someone.

The whole reason Rocket Punch even has a stun is to prevent heroes to just nope.avi out of their trips into walls. It’s like if Rein’s charge was escapable once you were pinned. Remember a while ago when Rocket Punch couldn’t reliably kill a huge chunk of heroes because they’d just pop invincibility frames or warp away when being hit? It was terrible and that’s why it was fixed. Rocket Punch without damage would be useless since Doomfist would just put himself in danger for nothing, and Rocket Punch without CC doesn’t even function.

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Don’t forget Bastion! He would be good against DF if he wasn’t weak to 4/5 of the roster.

My primary argument, lmao.

Like, Brig’s is 7 seconds, with no way to stop it, other than a counter charge or punch. Doom’s takes 5.5 seconds, and he is a DPS. SHE, is a SUPPORT.
Her range is also 8 metres on it, not 4, LilPuddin.

Tfw a Bastion couldn’t hit me in comp when I was literally on him

Doomfist does seem a BIT overpowered, nothing a set amount of damage from rocket punch instead of a insta-kill cant do.

In the drawing board, this was meant to be his primary source of DPS, due to it being on such a short cooldown and the fact that he is the wielder of the DOOMFIST.

But after the slam shot uppercut combo became a thing, Rocket Punch is only really used in conjunction with the combo and his ult, as it fits inbetween for an extra kill before he safely ults. Oh, and for the escape.

If it did a set amount of damage, it’d be WAY more broken than the wall mechanic. For example, if it did 150 maximum and 50 minimum, a damage boosted Doom could one tap squishies ON IMPACT. That, is way more scary than the unreliable insta kill.

But then again, it shouldn’t insta-kill tanks, and most hitboxes sizes of the “squishy” characters are very small.
I think it seems a bit more fair.
If you rocket punch a tracer, she DESERVES to die.

Sonic, quick pair of questions for ya. What’s your main, and have you ever played Doomfist?

His damage is cause Doomfist is built to be a tank buster. His burst damage was meant to rival dive comp back in the day (before Brig), but the sheer skill required to play him never countered it properly. Also 300 max without boosts isn’t enough to kill tanks sadly. Not even Brig in most cases.

To add to that, based on how sliding mechanics work in the game, most Tracers are guaranteed to get killed if they get caught by Punch. Her speed, plus the multiplier added by Punch, adds a chunk of range to it, allowing her to collide with a wall further away than a Rein for example.

Could be three reasons:

  1. The Bastion was bad

  2. Massive spread even at close range

  3. Awkward camera controls. If you jump over a Bastion he can’t directly track you, he has to look up, turn around, then come down.

1 and 3. Bastion’s spread is still effective against Doom at about the same range (up to 20m), but this was a platinum Bastion, lol.
I play a lot of Orisa, and can’t tell you how difficult it is to track a Genji jumping all over me. That poor Bastion…

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I feel like this is quite an underestimated factor when talking about tracking. Following targets horizontally is much easier than vertically since you never hit a stop when moving your mouse left to right, however you do have to awkardly turn your camera if you try to track an enemy thats jumping over you.


Nobody was asking for the most recent Hog nerf (to his damage), that was a weird out of nowhere decision by the developer team, not the player base.

People aren’t being trolls and trying to get a ‘fairly bad hero’ nerfed, they’re frustrated players who find that Doomfist in the right hands is too oppressive.

This is a GM Doomfist, watch how he flies in from nowhere, uppercuts, and only needs to use 1 or 2 shots from his hand cannon thing to kill people (usually supports). Notice how small the window to counter him is because he can kill people near instantly once they’re uppercut.

I know people will say “”“but that’s GM”"" but good Doomfist’s in diamond can pull that sh!t if they just memorise what order to use abilities in. The zooming in from nowhere + possible Zarya bubble + instant escape because his abilities are so short (and most of his effectiveness is from seismic slam + uppercut, so good Doom’s save punch to escape) = very hard to stop.

People’s problem is that he can be too good, nobody here has been asking for a massive nerf that absolutely destroys him, just his shields toned back a bit to make it easier to deal with him when he dives into the team like that.

He’s usually an all or nothing hero, so when people get good a him he gives a bit too much value in my opinion.

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Oh wow, a montage! That’s sure to show us how broken he is!

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