Tone down Doomfist please

As a support main, nothing has made me wanna quit overwatch more than doomfist, even brig and having my main nerfed into the ground


Speech 200 I was typing on a laptop which Iā€™m not good at. Character 29,

Well, stop being a CC hero, you can have CC immunity too.

Doomfist isnā€™t OP, just frustrating to play against. Please donā€™t confuse the two.

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oh, sorry then
get rid of character caps bliz

And your constant hate fuels the punches Doomfist throws at people. Yours specifically, Slayer. Nobody elseā€™s.

Brig has 1 stun, which once burned leaves her with no mobility at all.

Almost everything Doom does is a stun ability AND a movement ability AND a self heal!!!

And as Brig I would say DF is a huge counter to her because when they meet she stuns him while he uppercuts her, while in the air Brig has 1 attack that can reach DF while he still has his entire kit available.

Heck even his Ult, its the absolute best mobility attack in the game, cant be cancelled, and he is 100% invincible while using it!!

I mean at very least he should not have so much range on his blaster, his character design would suit a bull whip and black leather mask much better IMO.
He screams S&M.

but rein needs cc resistance not immunity

This is the worst post Iā€™ve ever read on this forum

Youā€™ve clearly never played Doomfist.

If Doomfist had been added to the game as he is now, I guarantee he would have been on the chopping block immediately. By far, he has the most obnoxious design in the entire game, and it sticks out like a sore thumb. People just donā€™t want to accept heā€™s badly-designed, and especially overtuned, because heā€™s been F-tier for so long. Same thing happened to Junkrat when he became meta. The difference is, not anybody can just pick up Doomfist and do well, so itā€™s less apparent thatā€™s heā€™s too strong and flat-out obnoxious.


Especially because it also puts enemies out of position and stuns them while it also ā€œhealsā€ DF.
Arent those benefits enough? Seems odd to have a stun that OHK most of the cast, why stun what you just killed?

Could remove the stun aspect or bring its damage down to say 180?

Not that it would be an issue for him, his blaster does 200DMG in 1 second with no falloff, lol. Pretty easy to get that last 20-70 DMG in on a stunned target IMO.

Mcree and Brigā€™s biggest complaints that I have seen are their stuns, and they do about 5-10 times less damage yet lead to kill often enough because stuns are very powerful in this game.

That said it feels like uppercut can have the longest duration of ā€œmovement stunā€
and adding a say 1-2 second limit to this effect would be reasonable.

Those chars above with stuns last 1 second or less, DF movement lock lasts based on height.


LOL, this is the JR mine excuse all over again.

RP is just for mobility right? So chopping its damage so its not instant OHK is ok right?

Actually I would be fine with DF having an extra ability use on any of his abilities if their effect was reduced in CC/DMG.

Maybe a spare slot he can use for one more use of any ability currently on CD?

Basically an extra ability on a CD that is able to reduce a chosen CD to zero.

Not sure if blaster range would need to change then?


Buff Roadhog and the whole problem solves itself.

i have to agree he has so much mobility/stun/power its ridiculously OP in capable hands to the point the only thing you can do is freeze or hack him to stop the slaughter and actually kill him


I feel there is no counter play to Doomfist.

  • His movement is slightly slower than Genjiā€™s
  • He OHK in 1.5 seconds, not enough time to out-burst-dmg him
  • Helped by his HP and HP buff he is even harder to out-burst.
  • He is invulnerable during his ultimate (which was not acceptable for Mercy but Doomfist is okay)
  • Has CC on most of his ability to prevent any counter play involving movement.

So if you canā€™t move, canā€™t out damage him and canā€™t react fast enough to kill him during his movementā€¦ what counter-play is left?

I understand he needs to be mobile and tanky since he is a melee range, but that makes him boring to play against because there is nothing left to do when he dives you.


4 second cooldown man.
RP in (Sometimes securing a kill and stacking 35 shields)
By then he needs to survive 3 seconds before using RP again and still has 2 CC/Self heal/Movement abilities!!
Even Uppercut alone will burn up at least 1 second, especially with unloading your blaster mid air to deal 200 DMG in 1 sec, then leap slam and you have less then 1 second to survive before you can use RP again, and have also accumulated upwards of 100 additional shields! (If you can aim huge AOE attacks, lol)

Seeings how people struggle with hitting genji simply double jumping around its foolish to think people are sniping DF while he flies around the map 3-5 times faster then Pharah while implementing an exaggerated version of Genjiā€™s up/down erratics.

Maybe in top 500 or something.

But lol, if you can not survive even 3 seconds with all his CC and self heals I am not sure its the char design IMO.

I dont play DF, but see them all the time and he took genjiā€™s old role or going 1v6 and still securing kills while escaping anytime he wants. (Not that he seems to usually need to because of all his self heals and CC and insane mobility make him hard to kill if the player is managing his CDā€™s well)


Except you know, all his self heals and CC, dont those help keep him alive at all?
If not maybe they should be removed?

Not at all.
As someone with, a fair chunk of my time being on Doomfist, his shields are very easy to burn through, as he usually gets at most 70 shield per dive. Heā€™s more for the one shot then quickly escape, with the shield being there to prevent one shot combos from finishing him off after he secures a kill.

Although he needs bug fixes, not retunes. Iā€™m open to a tank rework though, although I donā€™t think he needs it.

Hey its only 400DMG in one second, and that requires headshots.

Its not like he has a way to make characters stand still for a full second + to use it completelyā€¦Oh wait he can do that in multiple ways NVM.