Tone down Doomfist please

Dont know the end all be all of balance changes to “fix” him but these are some ideas:

  • Increased cooldown on Rocket Punch
  • More mid-air control for Uppercutted enemys
  • Reduce shield gained from abilities and ult
  • Maybe rework his passive entirely
  • Change Seismic Slam to just slow and not movement-lock enemys

Im sure there are many other possibilities.


Which one? Doomfist has gotten a total of 6 buffs:

  1. Handcannon reloads faster and shoots more pellets but they reduced the damage

  2. Sesimic slam base damage use to be 11, now it’s 49

  3. They gave seismic slam a slide in order to get rid of the instant slam bug

  4. They slightly increase rocket punch hitbox

  5. Meteor Strike movement speed use to be 150% now it’s 200%

  6. Doomfist use to get 30 shields, after the buff he gets 35 shields

Roadhog, Sombra and Bastion need buffs anyway. It is just inconvenient that they are weak when Doomfist became good.


The shield buff needs to go, end of. He’s unbelievably difficult to kill right now. Then we can go from there. I’d never nerf him into the grave with 100 nerfs, even Doomfist and he’s the worst hero in the game to go against.


The only way we should nerf Doomfist is by buffing Roadhog and Sombra.
They’re necessary to keep him in check. But they’re falling behind.
Alternatively, they could take away his momentum bugs. So he won’t be as obnoxious in the higher ranks.

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What is it with these utterly idiotic complaints about Doomfist? He only got his shield gen a bit buffed, and his bugs fix. Nothing in his kit says “OP” anymore since his initial nerfs. Have you forgotten how to COUNTER? Orisa? Pharah? McCree? (and no, Doomfist does not counter McCree, you are just a bad shot). Hell, JUNKRAT can deal with Doomfist.

They’re trolls. It’s a game. They’re trying to get a fairly bad hero nerfed to see if they can.

It’ll probably work too, because the mods wont close the threads down, and the developers cave to mob rule calling for nerfs even when the hero’s performance stats don’t warrant it. See Roadhog.

It’s a combination of many things.
His shield gen got buffed, his hitboxes got buffed, many of his bugs got patched.
Roadhog got nerfed and bugged, Sombra got bugged and Doom counters the meta supports.

He’s not a bad hero and statistics say otherwise. He’s an extremely powerful hero with a very very high winrate in gm with the third highest DPS pickrate.
That’s like saying Widowmaker is useless because she’s bad in Plat, it makes no sense.


That will barley do anything the average and good Doomfist players instantly kills their enemies.


His hitbox has remained the same since day 1.

Torb and Mei have even better win rates in GM. I guess that makes them overpowered too?

No it doesn’t because winrate means nothing.
Look at his actual elimination stats.
He’s middle of the road for eliminations, for all heroes. Near the bottom for Offense heroes. He’s got the 5th WORST kdr in the game.

Meaning, he’s nothing special for getting kills and he dies more than most to GET those kills.

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doomfist is a terrible designed hero. u buff him a little he will become OPAF. u nerf him a little he will become F TIER.
All i want for this hero is a rework.

Dammit, i cant stand Doomfists on every match right now. Game was SO MUCH BETTER when he was buggy and no one used him to be honest


No, the RP hitbox received a massive nerf soon after his release. It was so small it let him pass by a Roadhog in a hallway which he could normally not even walk though, without damaging him.

A few months ago it received a slight buff to it’s current size.

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Because it’s the nature of his kit. He dives in and kills your backline, then feeds, or dives the backline and feeds, end of. He needs an entire rework like Sym IMO.

What is the pickrate of Torb and Sym? Aren’t they below 1 percent? Doomfist has the THIRD HIGHEST DPS PICKRATE IN GM with an ABSURD winrate.


Ah yeah, the utterly small buffs he had.
People need to learn how to counter.

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Then leave him alone. Just fix his bugs and buff his counters. And hope that some people will learn how to switch

Shiver me timbers, but this was a pretty significant increase;

Well, either way it is fine now.

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