Told y'all, Hammond was next

Don’t think this is the last nerf, either.
They are going to nerf Hammond more, i can feel it.


They have to, with Orisa out of meta along with Mei nerfs most likely coming next patch, he will need nerfs or he’ll be broken


No he wont. Mei is not that threatening. Like on 2 maps and a couple points you have to be Yeatle to get value out of ball but outside that she isn’t that hard to play into.

I’m getting pretty fed up with the way bliz has been messing with tanks and the heals they depend on and pretty much nothing else.

Most tanks are pretty crap now, they are now targeting WB who has barely been seen or complained about and has fair or below average stats

AND they are banning a tank a week.

I’m pretty pissed and am feeling no desire to tank.

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I hope they dont. Hes the last tank that needs nerfing…


So now we’re nerfing heroes that seem like they’re going to be broken rather than waiting to see if they’re actually broken?


I made this thread because Hammond was nerfed on PTR, Feb 6th.

Mei is literally the only reason Bqll hasn’t been hard meta

LOL, DVa and rein need it too

Yeah that’s true which I was about to say, not a fan of the preemptive nerf although it shouldn’t hurt high ranked players much, so not a big deal

With the death of Orisa and Sigma who have been crippling his viability by being mustpicks, he will rise, naturally…

Small adjustments towards the negatives must be made.

WB hasn’t been hard meta because he is an extremely hard to play hero and most people end up feeding and or have no idea how to actually utilize his kit.

Mei has little to do with it.

Tank streamers constantly play into Mei and often it’s not the Mei that makes them swap, it’s the supports, maaaaaaybe the enemy tanks.

Mei counters bad WB’s. Bad WB’s aren’t that much of a threat anyway.


Yes those OWL players REALLY are bad at the hero huh

Those pro players that get paid hundreds of thousands ARE REALLY BAD AT THE GAME

I hope you’re trolling

If they get nerfed, then that will just repeat the cycle of nerfs to tanks. Sigma Orisa would be strong again even after they got demolished, and they’ll get nerfed again, and then Hammond will get nerfed…

This is destructive and poor balancing…


Not if they’re balanced tho…

We’re in a really good rotation of comps in scrims just make DVa boosters 4 and reduce rein anti CC and the comps will be SUPER fluid which is great

We already have some Orisa, some Dive and most rein DVa but I see it getting A LOT better

High skill ceiling maybe but imo on the other hand it’s also fairly easy to do well with WB if you just use a little bit of your brain. He can go in/out so easily.

I welcome this change very much since i despise the abundance of CC this game has.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

If you are talking about pro’s that’s one thing if your talking about the Meta used by the community that’s another thing.

WB is a high risk high reward hero. Mei isn’t WB’s problem it’s any CC. Pro’s don’t want to risk running WB if they can avoid it.

WB was used by I think the Dragons with a 1-3-2 comp to finally beat out Goats.

Yeatle carried his team in the breaking barriers turny with WB.

WB is a beast but his design wont allow him to ever be a staple like Rein. That goes double for the general public.


The meta is what’s used by the pros

Idc about the community that’s mostly made up of plats and golds lol

Yeatle isn’t a pro he’s an OD player

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I don’t care about the pros because their existence is irrelevant to the general public who cant play or duplicate that kind of game. Even M/GM games are a joke when compared to pros.

If you don’t care about the community then that explains why you lack proper judgement when you speak like this

There are far better counters to WB then Mei at the pro level. Shes a low level counter. One that can be used effectively by those who can’t aim and play proper OW with their team.

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Which is why he’s so good right now in a meta with 0 CC except for Mei /s

That’s why you balance around scrims 4Head

Ladder is the most useless thing to use in the whole game

Oh no man I’m sure ball will suck now and be less fun :(( That 600hp of shield you get insanely easy from feeding which makes you pretty much unkillable if you have somewhat of a brain, surely is unplayable now :(( they always kill tanks oh nyooo…jeff whyyyy? :((