Token System Still Broken!

The video to watchs hould appear as a tab on 2/2 tab or just on the first tab whne it is ready to watch on the app. I never had to click on any of the other tabs

Yes the 2/2 TAB like I said.

But what about within that tab?

Is there a video or do you click Hosted by OWL?

I’m still having trouble getting the full amount of tokens for hours watched. Left the computer on with only the League on it in a solo window for +5 hours, I’m at 10 tokens so far. (I’ll update this if the token count decides to catch up with hours watched)

Today isn’t the first time it’s done this. Last weekend I had a full afternoon where OWL didn’t give tokens, even though I did all the same stuff I normally do. And even when it does seem to be working correctly and giving tokens, I have yet to get the full token drop that matches the hours watched. It’s almost like I’m only getting 1/2 credit when it does actually register that I’m logged in correctly.

[Final Update :: 30 tokens for ~9.5 hours today]


a little box pops up saying LIVE, you click that and the video pops up, should not take you off the app or anything. You don’t click hosted by OWL

Except that since I only get notified every hour about a drop, I have to try something, see whether that fixed it, then try something else. There’s no way to test whether I’m going to actually get the drops or not. I tried Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and even Edge, while tweaking who-knows-how-many settings.

To rub salt into the wound, I finally got it working, and then they actively removed the way for me to get tokens while watching on a real computer.

I lost out on about fifty tokens myself.

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Thank you!!

Me too. Hundreds of missed tokens over the past month and a half!

Yet Blizzard won’t respond.

I sadly doubt this will be fixed, they will either ignore it till people forget or just hand out like 100 tokens to all who sent in a ticket or something as a sorry.

Like when twitch drops for certain sprays didn’t work right and in the end they just gave out all the sprays to all users even those who didn’t even watch the streams.

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charging causes battery heating, streaming causes heat. if the phone is a bit old and has to work to keep up with the stream, its a pretty brutal way to treat your phone battery.
also, what if you actually want to watch the games and receive tokens? why would anyone watch a stream on their phone when they have a computer to watch it on.

I mean, i literally said that I do that.

yea i get that :stuck_out_tongue: but my point is, the way the system works is stupid in how you need to start it on your phone to watch it on pc. feels like the only reason anyone even use the app is for tokens (which you could get on pc before when using twitch).

Yeah no doubt. I fully agree that the system currently sucks.
But OP complains about loosing “hundreds” of tokens, yet didn’t even know how to watch on the app, showing that he never bothered to look into it before.

i would go for the app myself if not for the fact that i care more about my phone battery life than the tokens. probably lost 200 tokens myself as well, only got 20 tokens in total after so many hours.


Cause you have been complaining for weeks and only today ask about where you have to watch on the app.

Thanks for proving my point.

Get off my nuts and go harass someone else to inflate your ego.

It doesn’t prove that they didn’t look into it. I can’t speak for them, but I considered the app to be an absolute last resort. My wireless is bad because I live in an old house with thick walls, and my tablet is cheap and unreliable. Why would I use it if I don’t have to?


Have you read the token troubleshooting steps provided?

I mean, I have given proper advise before, which you completely ignored or dismissed and continued to curse Blizz.
At some point it gets repetitive.


Open app…and click the LIVE video that appear DURING a match…it’s the very first thing you see when you open app…DURING match…there won’t be anything there otherwise

I have been watching on the Overwatch League website and have been missing out on tokens quite frequently. I make sure the message that I am signed in to recieve rewards is showing, and make sure the red “live” icon is lit up at the bottom. I watched the entire HS vs NYXL match and didn’t get any tokens.

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I had the main page on one tab and the Live Now displaying the scores on another and managed to get 10 tokens from the last game of APAC today. I’d try that and see if it makes any difference for you guys tonight for the Pacific games