Today's update literally broke the game

Yeahhh don’t start throwing games, you’ll ruin it for the other players.

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Sure! You buying?! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No it’s true, console users are treated as second-class citizens, last year on the old forums page their was a mega thread about the all the issues with console Overwatch. After 6 months of no reply a post was made claiming that console users were second-class citizens. After a long while a developer update video was made that talked about fixing the console issues. (I believe it was the report system developer update video)

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There’s another thread that’s pretty much exactly like it even on these current forums too.

Here you go!


Wow, not even surprised

Am I the only person who didn’t get an update?

Oh boy, and you happen to be the OP of said thread ! What a crazy coincidence !

Look, buddy, right now I’m talking about the update that just dropped. I don’t care about the issues that have been in Overwatch’s console versions for two years, I’m focusing on the clunky servers and unplayable competitive modes, and these are fresh issues.

Plus, if users weren’t allowed to create new threads if another one already talks about the same subject, then this forum would be empty. Because right now, a solid portion of the threads are either “Mercy/Hanzo/Bridghÿÿethra is OP pls nerf”, “Fix Sombra”, “I quit”, “Toxicity is unacceptable” or “Spread positivity #Namaste”. Seriously, you can take a two-weeks break from this forum, and the threads will still talk about the same things when you come back, it’s actually crazy.

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You’re on PC, so that may explain why.

Look, I’m not disagreeing with you.

The post which I quoted mentioned such a thread, so that’s the one I replied to. See, even we can have conversations in threads, yeah? I mean, you could take this issue to the technical support forum, but you likely won’t get much out of them unfortunately.

I don’t even see the point of talking to them. I tried several times in the past, and I either received unclear responses, or no responses at all. Plus, I’m pretty sure a lot of other console peasants already asked what is going on. So… yeah, I can’t do anything except pray for my SR to not drop.