Except that was they said originally. It was an official announcement.
They did, and the first thing I did was to look at the calendar and said “hey, that’s Labor Day weekend, there’s no way that’s going to happen”. With all the bad press that Blizzard and Activision have had over the past year they certainly weren’t going to pull their employees, many of whom make minimum wage, in over a holiday weekend dedicated to working people. Talk about negative optics.
QP classic or how it will be called Deathmatch, won’t last.
People will get frustrated that it’s just pure unfiltered DM, most tanks and supports will avoid it
That’s the first thing I did too. The only difference is instead of finishing that thought with “there’s no way that’s going to happen”, I completed the thought like “that’s really dumb. There’s no way that happens successfully.”
And they did roll with comp rollout over labor day weekend, unsuccessfully I might add. I feel bad for whoever had to clean that up this weekend.
That’s true. A very Blizzard thing, that.
Then maybe whoever made the announcement should have read a calendar before running off at the mouth.
They can’t even do that. Don’t be stupid.
Look at the game - whenever you see “x ends in y days”, it actually means y+1.
Same goes for when it says “x ends in y hours” it doesn’t… It’s y+1.
What’s worse is the recent display of incompetence.
They ran an exercise for two weeks before realizing “$#!+ we did it wrong”.
A mistake is a mistake, but letting it run for two weeks for nothing isn’t a mistake, that’s just incompetent.
These are the type of people making this game.
It’s not hard to do your job. Seriously.
waits patiently for excuses
The problem with the implementation of 2-2-2 on the qp aspect is, it isn’t what some people bought the game for. If you as a dev want to impose those types of changes on your competitive aspect of the game? Go ahead. But for those that enjoy the QP aspect which is NOT your professional aspect, leave 2-2-2 out of it.
There should absolutely be a difference between QP and Comp. Otherwise, just make the game comp all the way through.
Honestly, these changes the devs are making, change the play-ability and the type of game it was. So I guess we could actually ask for our money back as the game is not what we purchased and I don’t think it says anywhere in the EULA that we have to accept said changes.
Yeah I’m pretty much almost done at this stage.
Having played since open beta.
First they removed hero stacking, now removed the ability to even switch heroes…
Makes me sad that I have to say goodbye to the game I once loved… Overwatch isn’t Overwatch anymore… Literally victims of their own success.
Can’t control the beast if you can hold the reins.
Guess I missed something with lfg… Did it match 222 groups against other groups with 222 comps? Cause are we going to try and pretend that there was a reality that 3 tank 3 support comps didn’t just wreck 222 comps?
(obviously there are exceptions to this, but it wasn’t a consistent thing. Consistency matters.)
Most of the complaints and the reasons people seem to want 2-2-2 is to avoid the 5 DPS comp.
Not really any consideration towards the enemy team’s composition. Generally a 6 stack would go against another 6 stack. I have never gone against a 3-3 comp while I’ve utilized LFG. Usually the other 6 stack does the same.
Fair enough. I myself personally wanted it cause I was tired of solo tanking/healing. Really limited the roster I could play when I had to pick a main tank/healer. As for LFG the reason I stopped using it is the fact it never treated 6 random people as 6 random people. It always looked at 6 stacks and made the games harder since mmr treated you the same as 6 friends that grouped and played every night.
This games playerbase is going to actually plummet so hard lmao
Yeah they would.
I think the solution to that was to make those people you stacked with into your friends and do the very same. People wanted competitive to be competitive, but were upset when grouping together made it… competitive? I’m so confused.
Wrong. They DID use it, hon.
And then they’re like:
“OMG NOOOOOOO!!! The enemy runs 3 DPS and DESTROYED our 2-2-2!!!
This CAN’T happen!!! It’s not fair!
THEY have to run 2-2-2 and suck like us too!!!
It’s called STRUCTURE!!! We want structure!!!”
I mean, this guy just admitted that they can’t figure out a way to beat goats (can’t run better goats, can’t run 3 DPS) so whoever’s good at goats needs to be forced to suck like they do.
The general unspoken rule about comp grouping was no more than 3 stacking before LFG came along. This was because the mmr would stack handicaps against you for being part of a coordinated group. But is 6 randos that joined a group 10 minutes before the game really be coordinated enough to get all the handicaps as 6 people that group together and play every night?
But this wasn’t lfg systems fault totally. Had it seen more use and 6 stacks were more common the mmr would have had more 6 stacks to pick from and handicaps would not have been needed. I am not sure what the answer was to this problem specifically how would the system know the difference between 6 stacks that were random or 6 stacks that were organized by 6 players that played together all the time.
It was just my experience with it.
Pros couldn’t figure it out either…
Ultimately this game needed a team queue and a clan/guild system. That alone would have solved nearly all the non-balance problems this game had. IMO of course.
Wrong. They did.
Triple DPS killed GOATS before 2-2-2 went live.
Quite a few pro teams rocked that comp.