To the people who clowned on me about Symmetra

Ok, ok. I don’t recall your post nor do I remember people disliking the idea of healing turrets. I thought people actually asked for something like this from time to time, which is something the devs mentioned as well.

But lets not pretend like Illari and her abilities were your idea. That’s kinda cringe. As a collective, a good number of players liked the idea of a healing turret.

“See, if you change every single thing about Symmetra, she could be a good support!”

Why though?

Guys, I told you Genji could be a good Support. They proved me right by releasing Kriko!

Moving mostly unused characters from DPS is a way to bolster tank and support rosters without having to go through the cost of creating and producing a brand new character. It would have sucked for the twenty-four people in the world who actively play and enjoy Sym, but the move back to support could be a net positive. It’s not entirely unlike calls to make Sombra a support.

I was more people arguing that a healing turret couldn’t ever work.

I argued that simply changing Symmetra’s turrets to heal wouldn’t work and I’m vindicated - the only way a “healing turret” works is if it’s different from Symmetra’s in every single way.

There is no point in 100% reworking heroes when new heroes can be added instead.

That isn’t how it works.

You would be vindicated if they did change it to a healing turret, and it didn’t work.

All we know is “we don’t know if it would have worked or not” and that isn’t vindication.

They did in an Experimental card and it was legitimately terrible.

When ever I think about it, it really do think sym was in the right category as her original incarnation. But she was too game changing in a similar way that damage boost could be.

Giving someone a permanent +75 health that self regens is huge and does warrant (at least in my opinion) a support slot. But you know, flankers.

I also miss the car wash :frowning:

They had to alter so many things its a completely different hero both in mechanics and lore.

Point unproven.

I don’t think it has to do with trying to make her op to sell bpasses. If that were the case then lifeweaver and ram wouldn’t have come out weak. But they did.

Ow2 heroes releases have been the same as ow1, some too strong, some too weak. Business as usual.