To the Mercy's haters

That isn’t what he said. He said it’s because people say they hate dmg boost and rez, but they didn’t change that, and they stopped complaining. He’s pointing out that they seem to only echo posts that are popular at the time. Others have pointed out it commonly starts on social media/streams. And it’s right to call that being sheep because that’s exactly what it is. He’s not saying that because he doesn’t agree with them, he’s saying that because they lack a mind of their own, and only really post about it when it is popular to do so. In other words they don’t really care they just want to fit in. What’s ironic is you’re saying he’s doing what you’re doing, that is, labeling something negatively just because you disagree with it.


Mercy did get nerfed, Mercy’s much easier to focus down now after the GA/ regen nerf which is beautiful.

We wanted resurrect/ damage boost removed but at least they nerfed the no skill hero. It’s a win for the state of the game.

You gotta go outside man

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ppl got tired of toxic mercy mains saying skill issue , go play cod , oh youre just raging because a streamer said so , metal rank , you cant aim , oh and every post about mercy getting flagged , literally all of them, the community knows what they want , its just really difficult to be heard among all these people with a bias also screaming

oh riiiiiiiight I forgot the influence of the streamers…!! But still, I think the streamers consider her S tier now… shouldn’t have to keep complaining?

Ah here you are yet again trolling.

“I didnt get what i asked for but im happy…But you should still nerf the thing i DID ask for as well…”



A lot of us didnt cared about her damage boost or pocketing.
We are used to it since forever in ow.

The issue was that she was impossible to kill, or punish with her gardian angel + super jump every 1.5s + constant regen.

Now if a dps truly targets mercy, she will have a very hard time surviving.

Its a pleasure to hack a mercy 2s after her gardian angel got used.

Basicallt gives 3.5s to kill her with sombra where she cant fly everywhere.

More than enough

Mercy mains did big essays about the change…

Stats don’t say that. Mercies have similar death counts, even by Blizzard’s metrics, to how they were before.

Evidently they’re either playing safer or it’s NOT easier to focus them…

Fr, it’s so problematic. Thats why I play Zenyatta now because he amplified damage nearly 3x more than what Mercy does.

I press funny button discord, then tank dies, then everyone else dies one by one.

As a mercy, you can tank alot of ults because you heal a damaged tank. The new passive helps you escape deaths.

did they? she is still considered meta

This is delicat thing… They are satisfied that they did pushed the GA nerf on her. And again, with other changes I don’t think she is picked in T500 as much as she used to. T500 agregator shows that she is 5th pick in T500 now. So even if they get a bit frustrated, it is not to the point that they explode with rage and rants now. It have to accumulate to that. And when they get a game or two without her on enemy team, then it slowly fades away. So I do not think those will be any time soon. Unless some one will loose their nerves and then they would start this again.

And fact they consider her S tier is not shown in the pick rates now. She is 5th pick in T500, with 101 picks so far. Compared to Kiri that is 1st with 432 and ana that is second with 344 is really saying a lot here. I am not saying that Mercy is not strong with her current form, but she is not as picked any more there as others. If anything we should have ‘nerf suzu’ posts in few weeks since streamers will get fed up with Kiri randomly saving her teammates and being general pain in the place where back looses its noble name.

I think I was not clear enough then.

AFTER the change happened only one that thinks she is too strong and needs to be reverted is Samito. I didn’t saw any one else saying that (but again it is not like I spend 8hrs a day scouring internet for those opinions :sweat_smile: ).

A lot of GM Mercy mains did long essays about how to go about balancing her few months back, that is true. But Blizzard did ignore all of that, which is dumb since they were the ones that asked for them…

It is combination of the two… Smart mercy now plays safe, and when gets dove she has GA off CD AND the passive to heal her a bit through damage applied.

That is misinformation, please stop spreading it…

That is 22,5 hp/s… Assuming you are in a Valkyrie form… Most ults have more DPS than that or are just straight up insta gibs.

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tanking a sigma ult with mercy’s new passive : MercyMains (
You say that but things like this happens to me alot when playing mercy. Barely escape death.

I was indifferent to mercy before but I hate her now since I play winton. Nothing kills my desire to monkey more than mercy just attaching heal beams.

That is one ult… Out of 36 that exist in the game.

One is hardly ‘a lot’

Well, I didn’t want this change… I’d go to season 2 version in a heart beat.

Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (


Fact. Very true… Shrug.

You’re right, they didn’t just nerf damage boost like we actually asked for.