To people mad about pink mercy returning

People always complain about returning cosmetics in any game. DbD just added a code which gives players the cosmetics from their 4th year anniversary, and some people are going crazy even though those cosmetics are ugly and nobody ever uses them lol

There are other places where people talk about overwatch other than just forums. I was going to speak my mind on here too just in case there are some people who have made upset forum posts that i missed (im not here 24/7)

Also someone could be upset about it coming back but not have made a post

but hey, why not come in here and act condescending like you know the whole communities feelings :blush:



I never cared for the skin since i’m not a mercy player (played since 2016 and still have barely an hour in my 1800 hrs of playtime) so i didn’t care either way since the skin is (in my opinion) meh, but seeing so many threads just begging or constantly asking for it to come back was just annoying and was spam in my eyes.

I’m down to support the charity again, but i wish they had done a new skin for a different character instead of bringing back something old that i already wasn’t a fan of and just adding a recolor to it


Wouldn’t it make more sense to post it where you actually saw those ppl?

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Do you even read a post before replying?

Long thread with lots of people who didn’t want the skin to come back:




The individuals in question, one of which is participating in this thread, cared enough about the topic to post dozens of times about their absolute insistence that the skin would never return


Yes and?
You are trying to fuel a fire without even bothering to search for one.

http s://

Am i?


Do you even make a difference between TY and forum?

This is a stupid move and the risk of it is completely on heads of anyone, who did it. They can be only mad on themselves.

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I saw this today. Absolutely disgusting:

h ttps://

EDIT: Sorry, did not see that the same video is posted above.

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…they could just make a different skin for charity, lol.

What in the actual $@%^ are you talking about.

The exclusivity of skins is what makes them so popular. The sad thing is, less people will probably buy it now, since they know it could come back at any time.

but according to this statement, if charity is not really felt because it consists in the provision of a product or service… is it not a “real” charity? would this apply to charity concerts by very famous singers? to fundraisers held at fashion shows? or at auctions where rich properties are sold?

I… don’t think that who will have that money, or those who will benefit from the use of that money (more precisely the patients who will finally be able to get treatment) will ask themselves a question of this type. there is nothing malicious in this.

it is a somewhat controversial statement that “you don’t really care about charity but only about the product” because it would mean that then the world can turn exclusively through spontaneous charity, and that when occasions are organized to send that money to charity… should they refuse or make a list of those who felt they were sincere in their donation? :face_with_diagonal_mouth: I think there is nothing wrong with the selling and return of the skin, in the official ways and in the safety ways of a donation that will reach the organization. Rather, I would condemn all those who then resell the accounts at crazy prices for their own profit. then there is completely valid the speech you are making.

I guess we can agree on this, right? :handshake: that there are people who feel like they’re some kind of “elite” for having a special skin is their problem, we can’t do psychological sessions for everyone on how morality works. but at least we can hope that the person got it through charity in bragging about it, in exposing himself in a ridiculous way he would have contributed to a good cause anyway. the important thing is an official donation.

What I’m mostly doing is disregarding the opinion of people who want it not to return because they are in the minority since so few people even speak up about it. There is no reason at all to prevent such a rerun either. Not unless someone is of the scummiest of people.

For a skin that made blizzard money, I could see it simply for them to force sales and try to collect ASAP. But for a charity, its bad press all around.

It could have just as easily not come back, and those pathetic spammed threads, of people gleefully boasting that they were straight up harassing the charities. Cmon man, people were telling you to let it go for your own good.


Should check on Twitter and even Youtube

There was a super funny Youtube short (I think they deleted it) where someone was LOSING their mind in rage about it coming back saying they spent almost 2000 USD on an account for the skin

Where is the line…

Would you rather buy a takeaway, or be a part of the cure for breast cancer?
Would you rather play overwatch, or be a part of the cure for breast cancer? (You can use your time to make money to donate or volunteer)
Would you rather own a computer, or be a part of the cure for breast cancer?

The truth is no one does the idealistic thing, so you holding people that are mad to that standard is hypocritical and it’s kind sad what you imply here because people that are angry might have people they care about could die… yea… I get your angry this imo is wrong.

Look, while I think the mercy skin coming back is EPICALLY good because the wrong people have been profiting on reselling the skin on other account. People have a right to be angry something they have is worth less because emotions are irrational.

So maybe rather than being a jerk to people that are mad and implying they could kill people maybe instead try and understand why people are mad and try an explain and convince them why it’s a good thing. All you do by being confrontational is you alienate people.

And guess what maybe if you were more positive and rather than making accusation you might of got others to celebrate the skin and it would of lead to more word of mouth making more sales so…

Would rather insult people, or be part of the cure for breast cancer?

(Not saying your point isn’t bad but what’s the point of being angry to other people being angry… helps noone)

There is no line, they didnt care about the charity, they just wanted the skin. If it WAS about the charity, the skin, blizzard, people on this forum, would not enter the equation.

yes i saw it, I understand which one you are talking about. and what did she get? the derision of the whole community about her morality :clown_face:. she paid too much for a whim. she was happy with her “exclusivity” because she felt superior. it was unpleasant but also annoying to see her convinced of what she said.

But this does not change the fact that everyone perceives their purchase as they want, regardless of what product or service they obtained to decide to “do charity”. the important thing will always be the fact that that money will arrive where it is supposed to arrive, and not in the pockets of profiteers.

many mercy mains will buy the skin because it is mercy? that’s fine, that money will exist and it will be for a charitable purpose. this is one of the cases in which the great system of “luxury marketing” works to make the world go round as it should.