To Make a Long Story

It might be easily and already thought of. But, if not, I want to suggest hero selection, to allow for a long story.

Let’s say we have 4 hero protagonists starting the story (eg. Mei, Winston, McCree, and player). One of the heroes (protagonists) could be the player (last hero in example), mainly watching everything unfold (maybe participating with lines or having choice a little bit). But if the player chooses one of the fixed heroes (eg. Winston), they would enjoy saying lots of lines, being a main character.

If the player chooses a main character like Winston, they would still control the hero in fights. And they’ll watch Winston say all his lines in the story. The story will be unchanged no matter which hero the player chooses. This ensures the full, long story for every player.

If it is not single player, and 3 other players join, the extra heroes will also be protagonists, choosing whatever hero they want to be. It’s a good idea if enemies sometimes are heroes we are familiar with because they would be a greater threat. If a player(s) chooses heroes that are the same as the enemy, the enemy and protagonists could have different skins and personalities so it’s easy to immerse into story and know who’s who.

If all players participate in the same story (with choices if Blizzard wants), then the story can be long (however long Blizzard wants).


So like the GTAO protagonist?

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Yes, I think it’s been thought of in other games, easily. I haven’t played GTAO so I’m not familiar. But I think GTA already has the idea going on.

If Overwatch does something similar to GTAO or other games, I won’t complain. It could easily ensure a longer story.

Honestly speaking about GTA, I think the whole mechanic where you can switch between characters in missions easily is a really cool idea and I think it would work in an Overwatch story mode for singleplayer.

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Nice. Even switching characters in missions. If Overwatch does that, like how GTA did it, and then adds a twist, it could be a great addition!

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I doubt there’s going to be any singleplayer mode, all the PvE modes we’ve had are for 4 players.


Alright understood. That’s not bad.

Hello. I have a question to you.
You read The Hero of Numbani novel, yes?
So please answer me what countries are mentioned there.
I have feeling that my countries list needs update on this novel.

Numbani is the only location in the book. The Junkers do get a mention.

So no update needed, hah. Thanks.

Mr. Lucas, Do you think players would like a story mode (in Overwatch 2) with a story like in Hero of Numbani novel?

I don’t understand what you are talking about. How is it different from Rio de Janerio mission?

I don’t know what the Rio de Janerio mission is. But if there is a story, I’m happy.

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The OW 2 demo mission they showed at BlizzCon 2019. The story is Overwatch comes in to help Lúcio save Rio de Janerio from Null Sector.

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Search on YouTube “Overwatch 2 story mode gameplay” and you’ll see the first story mode mission in the game

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Thank you for the heads up Speedwagon and Elixo. I checked out Story Mode on YouTube. I’m excited!! I love PvE and stories!


(Sorry for late response!)

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