To anyone who's played the new apex legends game

Please help…
2.6 sens
1300 dpi
103 fov

Need converted to Apex Legends

Very friendly for DPS players. Bring your friends, you want people that move as a squad.

Supports are kind of weak in that game in all honesty. As a support main in overwatch I prefer the tanks. I feel like I’m way more of a support than lifeline or the roboman.

…Or never coming back until they rebalance the game so that main tanks and supports aren’t a cancer to play

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since when are tanks and sups cancer to play? you know goats? you know that people switch off damage to play support because of heal and dmg? ^^

8sens in game
800 dpi
103 fov
please i need apex sens

Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to post this question in the AL forums? I mean, it’s more than a bit crass to come here to ask that question…

that ended up just being

completely wrong lol

It’s the same sens as CSGO, just use that when converting on mouse-sensitivity.

i’ve heard dividing your OW sense by 3.33333 is how you get the sens for Apex. My sens in OW is 7 in game with 800 DPI so Apex would be 2.1 and that seems to work good for me. Best one that I read about

yeah that’s what works

or just multiply by .3

Thanks for this thread. I just downloaded Apex and was wondering what sens I should use. Multiplying by 0.3 seems to be correct.

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