Tired of this Stale Meta

I’m just so tired of this repetitive, stale borb meta. Every game I get, I’m put against the borb even on attack! I literally just played blizzard world and we got put against the borb, you can probably guess what happened next. It is such a shame as it genuinely felt like the game was improving for a little while but out of nowhere comes this Stale borb Meta. I’m never going to climb out of gold now as borb has an 89% pick rate down here. Fix your game blizzard!


Tell me about it man I am literally stuck in silver and every game there is a borb and I just cannot compete! It’s beyond a joke if it carries on like this I will never be playing another blizzard game

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There has never been a season without a dominant meta.

Not once.

Not ever.

There will always be a drive for “least effort, most reward” comps, and so long as they are achievable, those will be the go-to comps.

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I am assuming “Borb” is Bastion and Torb?


Tell me about borb is just too OP

What is Borb? This is the 2nd thread I’ve heard the name and nobody’s said it’s comp.

(That said, nothing beats the 4 Torbs + 2 Orisas) on a payload map in No Limits).


My best guess is maybe Bastion Orisa Bap Rein? Though that’s a pretty bad/cheese comp that should fall apart to any coordination. Also it’s the same 2 guys complaining about it so I wouldn’t put much thought into it, probably two people who were grouped together and played against it.

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No dude borb is spreading, it’s an infection, a nasty one at that. It’s dominating the meta especially in top 500. It needs to be stopped.


You need to be stopped. Either explain what this “new meta” you’re describing is or stop posting it on 10 different threads for now reason.

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Hello?! Hero bans. Game changed up every single week. How can you say that.

Since there removal, borb is dominating

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I keeping getting reported for picking off borb heros.

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Yeah man, I’m always dropping SR to this ridiculous strategy i wonder when blizzard will fix it. #borbbroken

Isn’t it dude, Borb can’t just go untouched. Blizzard hold a legal responsibility to deal with this immediately.

They need to stop adding tanks with shields and give them more value out of creating space in other ways like ball or even how phara with a pocket controls space. The creativity is just not there.

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